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751 Results For "respiratory"
IDP Mobile Clinic in Abs

Severe malnutrition on the rise among children in Abs, northern Yemen

Since January, MSF has been treating increasing numbers of severely malnourished children at Abs hospital, in northwestern Yemen; a sign of a war that has a terrible impact on lives. Opinion - 22 Feb 2021
Iraq : Treating COVID-19 in Baghdad

Severe COVID-19 patients in Iraq “were almost sure to die”

MSF teams in Iraq have been treating people with coronavirus in Baghdad, with many arriving too sick to be saved. Since opening a dedicated COVID-19 ward, things have improved, but MSF remains worried about the situation. Project Update - 16 Feb 2021
MSF descentralized model of care

Healthcare in the community, by the community in Cameroon

With conflict and insecurity a feature of life in South-West Cameroon, MSF teams have found ways to ensure local communities can access medical care - by training them to give aid. Project Update - 4 Feb 2021
South Kivu: An endless flight
Democratic Republic of Congo

South Kivu: An endless flight

Unrest in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has forced thousands to flee their homes. Many are in remote and under-resourced areas of South Kivu. Project Update - 28 Jan 2021
Riang, Jonglei state - Emergency Intervention
South Sudan

Falling international funding exposes communities in Jonglei to a lack of healthcare

After a succession of floods and violence in the area, people in South Sudan's Jonglei state are vulnerable to a lack of access to medical care - made worse by falling levels of funding from international donors. Project Update - 19 Jan 2021
MSF response in Bangassou and Ndu
Central African Republic

MSF teams ramp up support as violence escalates

As the security and humanitarian situation in Central African Republic rapidly deteriorates, people have reduced access to essential medical services. Project Update - 14 Jan 2021
Impact of hurricanes Eta and Lota

MSF steps up medical care in response to humanitarian crisis in Honduras

Hurricanes Eta and Iota have left 250,000 people in Honduras with limited access to healthcare. Many health centres are closed or not fully operational. Press Release - 16 Dec 2020
Life inside South Sudan’s Largest Displacement Camp
South Sudan

Fear of violence, poor living conditions in South Sudan’s largest displacement camp

People in South Sudan's Bentiu Protection of Civilian's site fear regional violence and worry that the UN mission's withdrawal will leave them unprotected. Project Update - 3 Dec 2020
Ethiopian Refugees Crossing - Hamadayet Border
Ethiopia Tigray crisis

MSF providing medical care and assistance in Sudan to people fleeing violence in Ethiopia

In the wake of fresh conflict in northern Ethiopia, thousands of people have fled north into neighbouring Sudan, where MSF is providing medical care and assistance. Project Update - 27 Nov 2020
Measles outbreak in Pibor
South Sudan

Urgent vaccination campaign needed to stop spread of measles in Pibor

MSF raised the alarm about a measles outbreak in Pibor, South Sudan, in August but a vaccination campaign has yet to take place. Action is needed now. Press Release - 3 Nov 2020
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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