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750 Results For "respiratory"

Transforming a hospital in North Darfur

The complete MSF team currently working in Kebkabyia, North Darfur

Since MSF started working on the June 12, there have been about 1,500 consultations given each week, both in the hospital and in a separate out-patient clinic in the east of the town

Project Update - 21 Jul 2004

Mornay camp, West Darfur: No relief in sight

After a killing spree from September 2003 until February 2004, there is continued violence and severe aid shortages in Darfur, Sudan. Current relief operations fall dramatically short of the massive needs and will not prevent an entirely man-made famine. Project Update - 21 Jun 2004

MSF's activities in Darfur-June 2004

MSF has been working in Darfur since December 2003. Today, 90 international volunteers and nearly 2,000 Sudanese staff provide medical and nutritional care in areas with more than 400,000 displaced people. Project Update - 21 Jun 2004

MSF reopens abandoned hospital in eastern Liberia

Persistent health problems include malaria, respiratory tract infections, measles, anaemia, ulcers and complications during childbirth. Project Update - 19 Jan 2004

Refugee crisis in eastern Chad worsens

MSF calls on agencies, including UNHCR, to step up assistance urgently. Press Release - 17 Dec 2003

Dr Jonathan Tomlinson's First Mission with MSF, in Western Afghanistan

Dr Jonathan Tomlinson is on his first mission with MSF, in western Afghanistan. Project Update - 27 Nov 2003

MSF intervenes for Siberian earthquake

With so many homes destroyed and the temperature dropping to -15° Celsius at night, the cold might prove to be just as dangerous for the people as the earthquake itself. Project Update - 2 Oct 2003

MSF provides health care for Sudanese refugees

About 33 tonnes (four truckloads) of relief supplies were flown into Chad last week, mainly material to build the health centres but also vaccines against measles and therapeutic milk powder and food for the malnourished. On top of this pumps, pipes and tanks for the provision of clean water have been sent. Project Update - 1 Oct 2003

MSF supplies follow long path to Sudanese refugees

This refugee population gathered almost invisibly as they crossed into Chad along a 400km stretch of the border in small groups. There location in eastern Chad is so remote that the transfer of goods is an immediate concern. Project Update - 19 Sep 2003
Republic of Congo

MSF's return to Congo-Brazzaville's Pool region sees the 'ears of the hippopotamus'

On August 20, 2003, MSF was the first international NGO since the end of the war to reach Kindamba in the north of the Pool region, close to the seat of the Ninja rebels. Project Update - 16 Sep 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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