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750 Results For "respiratory"

MSF intervention in Peru continues with three teams

"In small towns, adobe houses have been totally destroyed. People are living in the streets, lacking shelter and drinkable water. Therefore, we expect an increase of acute respiratory infections and acute diarrhoea diseases in the coming days."
- Peter Meurrens, MSF medical co-ordinator in the Moquegua Department.
Project Update - 5 Jul 2001

Humanitarian aid insufficient for displaced in northern Lofa

As the security situation in Lofa County continues to deteriorate, the level of aid being provided to those displaced by the fighting remains wholly inadequate. Press Release - 3 Jul 2001

MSF provides sanitary assistance to victims of earthquake

A cargo with 31 tones of drugs, medical and logistical material has been sent to Arequipa. Press Release - 28 Jun 2001

Tonnage brought to India represents largest 'fly-in' response by MSF

MSF has already conducted medical and shelter assessments in the villages and have a coordination system with village leaders representing the communities and castes present. With the system, MSF is confident that no people will be left out of the distribution process. Project Update - 19 Feb 2001
El Salvador

MSF activities through El Salvador earthquake region

As of January 22, according to official figures, the death toll has reached 704 confirmed dead but there are still high numbers missing and likely buried under the rubble. Bodies are being discovered daily. Project Update - 22 Jan 2001

MSF 'Top-Ten' under-reported stories of 2000

MSF third annual list of the most under-reported humanitarian stories of the year. The organization compiled the list to call attention to human crises that were largely ignored by the U.S. press during 2000. Project Update - 19 Jan 2001

Pneumonia definition and treatment

"You can prevent diarrhoea, you can prevent measles, you can even prevent malaria to some extent. But we've never been able to stop kids getting chest infections. They hit them like a truck." - MSF field doctor, Thailand. Project Update - 1 Jan 2001

MSF basic information

"The worst is still to come in southern Africa. The region is facing human disaster on a scale it has never seen before." - Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director, UNAIDS Project Update - 1 Jan 2001

Some 10,000 Afghan IDPs stuck on border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan

The ongoing fighting between the Northern Alliance (NA) and the Taliban movement has left almost 200,000 people displaced in Northern Afghanistan. Approximately 10,000 of them were unable to flee to safe areas and are now stuck on two islands within the Pianj river between the Tajik border and the Afghan front-line. Project Update - 11 Dec 2000

No safe home

In the Taliban's latest push to gain total control of Afghanistan, the civilian population, which has suffered chronic conflict for over two decades, has been subjected to acute hardships of disease, displacement, food shortages and fighting. The situation is set to worsen with the coming winter, but humanitarian assistance is scarce and the UK government refuses to assist. Project Update - 7 Nov 2000
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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