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67 Results For "asthma"
Local ukrainian doctor working at a health centre in Donetsk

MSF outreach clinic a vital lifeline for eastern rural areas

After months of protracted fighting in eastern Ukraine, the conflict is having a devastating impact on people living on both sides of the frontline. Voices from the Field - 23 Dec 2014

Testimonies from Syrian refugees and MSF staff

The people who arrive in the Greek islands have gone through a lot of hardship. We have seen people suffering from hypothermia and respiratory tract infections. They have suffered a lot, both physically and psychologically. Voices from the Field - 3 Dec 2014
Lebanon -Providing medical care to Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley
Access to Healthcare

Stories from non-communicable chronic diseases patients in Lebanon

Stories from MSF's non-communicable chronic diseases patients in Lebanon Voices from the Field - 17 Apr 2014
Lebanon -Providing medical care to Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley

Treating chronic diseases among Syrian refugees, a priority for MSF

Treating chronic diseases among Syrian refugees: a priority for MSF Project Update - 16 Apr 2014
First baby born in Tacloban Hospital

Specialised care for mothers and babies in devastated Tacloban

Voices from the Field - 19 Dec 2013
MSB105 Iraq - Medical care for Syrian crossing the Iraqi Kurdistan border

MSF provides emergency care to families fleeing to Iraq

Some 60,000 refugees from Syria have crossed the border into the Kurdish region of Iraq since it reopened on 15 August after being closed for three months. Project Update - 2 Oct 2013
Iraq - Thousands of Syrians crossing the border into Iraqi Kurdistan

MSF provides healthcare to Syrians crossing into Iraqi Kurdistan

MSF have set up health posts on both sides of the border to provide medical care to Syrian refugees. Project Update - 23 Aug 2013

Diabetes, shrapnel wounds and newborn twins

In Syria the number of people in need of urgent medical care keeps increasing. MSF runs six hospitals, four health centres and several mobile clinic programmes inside Syria. Project Update - 23 Jul 2013
Transit camp in Aleppo province

Measles epidemic signals growing humanitarian needs

A measles epidemic is sweeping through districts of northern Syria, with up to 7,000 known cases, an indication that humanitarian needs are increasing and the country’s healthcare system is in a state of collapse after more than two years of civil war. Press Release - 18 Jun 2013
Zaatari camp, pediatric hospital

Syrian refugee narratives: "We had been trying to avoid leaving our country but eventually we had no other choice"

Mostafa is a seven month-old baby from El-Sheikh Miskeen, a small village near Dara’a. He arrived at Zaatari camp a month ago with his father, mother and other five siblings. Mustafa’s mother, Om Mostafa, shared their story with us. Voices from the Field - 30 May 2013
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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