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123 Results For "leishmaniasis"
South Sudan

Kala-Azar epidemic threatens thousands in South Sudan

MSF says growing evidence requires a concerted response to the upsurge in this fatal disease. Press Release - 22 Dec 2003

Isolated or forgotten, MSF mobile clinicsreach remote populations in Colombia

MSF travelling health facilities are essential to health care for rural populations, who almost seem to not have the right to fall ill. These visits may be their only contact to health professionals in years. Project Update - 31 Oct 2003

Afghanistan today: Neither safe nor stable

But two years after the Taliban was overthrown, and a new government installed in Kabul by the US-led Coalition, the people of Afghanistan have received very little. Project Update - 7 Oct 2003

World's first nonprofit drug company launched

This article first appeared in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), September 16, 2003. In the Media - 16 Sep 2003

Aid agency launches latest initiative to tackle diseases in the developing world

Public health experts estimate that just 10% of worldwide funding of pharmaceutical research goes into infectious diseases that affect the world's poor people. Project Update - 5 Jul 2003
Chagas disease

Health bodies launch research push to find cures for unfashionable diseases

The World Health Organization estimates that between 300,000 and 500,000 people in 36 African countries suffer from sleeping sickness, which is carried by the tsetse fly. About 80 percent die before being diagnosed as the parasites enter their brains. Chagas Disease is a similar condition, carried by blood-sucking insects, that affects primarily Latin America. Project Update - 4 Jul 2003

Neglected diseases kill poor

Diseases that kill millions of poor people every year are ignored by Western firms because drugs to combat them make no money, a new research body said as it was launched on Thursday. Project Update - 4 Jul 2003

Body set up to seek drugs for the poor

A research organisationhas been set up to manufacture drugs for diseases which mainly affect poor people. The organisation plans to spend about $250 million in the next 12 years to develop between six and seven drugs to combat sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease - neglected killer diseases that threaten 350 million people every year. Project Update - 4 Jul 2003

New Body Set to Fight Killer Diseases West Ignores

Diseases that kill millions of poor people every year are ignored by Western firms because drugs to combat them make no money, a new research body said as it was launched on Thursday. Project Update - 3 Jul 2003
Humanitarian challenges

Charity targets 'forgotten' diseases

Working in conjunction with global research bodies and public health authorities, the charity will spend $250 million over the next 12 years to try to come up with seven new drugs. Project Update - 3 Jul 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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