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234 Results For "pneumonia"
Democratic Republic of Congo

Interview with Anne Khoudiacoff - Many arrive at the hospital in a critical condition

The MSF team in Masisi, made up of 100 Congolese and five international staff, works in the 120-bed hospital and a health centre. They offer surgical care to war wounded, as well as general health care and nutritional support to displaced people and the local population. Anne Khoudiacoff, 29, is a Belgian nurse who arrived in DRC in early October. Here she describes her work of the past three weeks. Voices from the Field - 26 Oct 2007

Food is not enough - Without essential nutrients, millions of children will die

Food is Not Enough, MSF's new malnutrition campaign is advocating for a global scale-up of therapeutic ready-to-use food (RUF) for the most at risk children and further efforts to use supplemental RUF to prevent children from becoming dangerously malnourished in the first place. MSF is also highlighting the need for increased research and development into a range of therapeutic products. Project Update - 10 Oct 2007

Food is not enough: Without essential nutrients millions of children will die

Food is Not Enough, MSF's new malnutrition campaign is advocating for a global scale-up of therapeutic ready-to-use food (RUF) for the most at risk children and further efforts to use supplemental RUF to prevent children from becoming dangerously malnourished in the first place. Report - 10 Oct 2007

Fighting forces MSF team to evacuate from Muhajariya

Since MSF runs the only hospital in the town, the evacuation of the MSF team means that people are urgently in need of medical care. MSF hopes to be able to return to the area as soon as possible to provide medical assistance. Project Update - 9 Oct 2007

Malaria portrait from Sierra Leone

Salaymatu Kargbo was one of the first people we met in Yamandu. A baby girl, just 17 months old, with tiny braids in her hair and sleepiness in her eyes. Her mother carefully approached our car, as soon as it stopped outside the colourful clinic. Project Update - 27 Apr 2007

One koro of millet to feed 13 mouths - displaced in eastern Chad

Maximilian Gertler, an MSF doctor, holds a surgery three times a week in the camp along with a mobile medical team. "But the people don't have any energy any more", he says. "In combination with other health problems, the number of malnourished children could skyrocket." Project Update - 5 Feb 2007
Democratic People's Republic of Korea

African sleeping sickness in the DRC

Until now, the only antidote available to most patients in the DRC was Melarsoprol, a derivative of arsenic. But it is so toxic that it melts plastic syringes and can kill patients before they die of the illness - on average about one in 20. Project Update - 19 Jul 2006

MSF team frustrated about closed doors in China

No authorisation to open project for HIV-positive people in Henan province Project Update - 22 Jun 2006
Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC measles campaign: Free treatment for all cases

In conjunction with a massive measles vaccination campaign in the city of Mbuji Mayi, MSF also provides medical and logistical support to four health centres for the management of measles cases. In Muya and Dipumba hospitals, as well as in the Christ Roi and Bakwatshiimuna health centres, all measles cases are treated at no cost to the patient. Project Update - 23 Mar 2006

Waiting for a miracle

From the Sunday Times Authors Series: novelist Jim Crace travels to Cambodia where tourism is booming. But behind the veneer of success, life is fraught with danger â€" Aids and malaria are rife, and the countryside is littered with landmines. Saddled with chronically inadequate health care, many depend on charities to survive. In the Media - 23 Jan 2006
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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