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751 Results For "respiratory"
Malnutition in Niger

Impending threat of deadly malaria and malnutrition combination

Diseases must be tackled together in order to pre-empt another crisis. Press Release - 24 Apr 2013
Flood victims in Tana River County, Kenya

Help needed for people displaced by flooding

MSF calls for more concerted efforts in assisting populations displaced by floods in Tana River Delta region, Kenya Press Release - 19 Apr 2013
Sameera's baby

Maternity care in rural North Darfur

MSF's maternity care programmes in North Darfur.
Project Update - 16 Apr 2013
Iraq - Syrian refugees in Domeez camp

Growing number of Syrian refugees in Domeez

The registered number of refugees gathering at the Domeez camp, near the city of Dohuk in the Kurdish region of Iraq, is increasing daily. While 700 to 1,000 newcomers are registering every day the services provided in the camp remain insufficient to cope with mounting needs. Project Update - 10 Apr 2013

Emergency medical needs continue

A truck loaded with Malian refugees and their meagre belongings sits parked in the heat on the edge of the Mbera refugee camp in Mauritania. Project Update - 12 Mar 2013
Homeless in Milan

MSF provides care to homeless people in Milan

Project Update - 8 Mar 2013
Refugee Camp, Mbera Mauritania Jan 2013
Project Update

Desperate conditions causing disease among Malian refugees

Crisis Update - 15 Feb 2013
Gao Mali 2013

We will not abandon our patients

Project Update - 13 Feb 2013
Humanitarian emergency in Rakhine state, Myanmar

Months after violence, health needs are still urgent

Eight months since deadly communal clashes first broke out in Rakhine state, Myanmar, tens of thousands of people are still unable to access urgently needed medical care. Project Update - 7 Feb 2013

Increase in measles cases in eastern Balochistan

Project Update - 31 Jan 2013
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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