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Malawi Prisons - Chichiri and Maula

Social violence and exclusion

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Many people are unable to access healthcare simply because of who they are. They may be afraid to seek help, or are excluded because they are forced to live outside of mainstream societal bounds.

People who are excluded include undocumented migrants, street children, sex workers, prisoners, drug addicts or the mentally ill. Sometimes, entire communities are systematically neglected by relevant authorities. These might be people who live in slums, or communities hit by criminal violence and gang warfare. Our teams provide medical, psychological and social support to people cut off from health services. Our work also involves drawing attention to the obstacles patients face in accessing healthcare.

Detention Centres - Tripoli, Libya

Ongoing violence against detained migrants forces MSF to suspend Tripoli detention centre activities

Press Release 22 Jun 2021
Webclip_ Violence in Guerrero, Mexico_EN

Violence in Guerrero, Mexico

Violence in Guerrero, Mexico

Since 2016, MSF has run mobile clinics in Guerrero, Mexico - one of Mexico's most violent states. Violence is something that affects different communities in the state of Guerrero, mainly due to fighting between different organised crime groups over the cultivation of poppies and avocados. This violence causes communities in the affected villages to live in confinement and leaves people without access to healthcare or education. Our teams attempt to fill these gaps through mobile clinics offering health services including preventive measure against COVID-19.

Medical Evacuation to Bentiu PoC
South Sudan

Huge numbers of wounded and displaced as violence continues in Jonglei and Greater Pibor area

Press Release 17 Mar 2020
Boost Hospital, Lashkar Gah, Helmand, Afghanistan

Afghans face impossible choices in their struggle for medical care

Press Release 5 Mar 2020
Displaced families in Herat

Reality check: Afghanistan's neglected healthcare crisis

Report 5 Mar 2020
MSF in Nariño
Social violence and exclusion

Violence in southwestern Colombia leaves people struggling to access assistance

Statement 3 Mar 2020
Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz
Central American migration

Escaping violence into danger – no way out for Central American migrants

Press Release 11 Feb 2020
Central American migration

Report: No way out - The humanitarian crisis for Central American migrants and asylum seekers

Report 11 Feb 2020