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MSF Speaking Out

Speaking Out Case Studies Advanced Level Modules

War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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The advanced courses on the speaking out case studies go beyond the introductory level courses, asking you to reflect on the dilemmas and contribute your thoughts in facilitated sessions. 

The advanced courses take a closer look at the central thematics and speaking out actions amidst humanitarian dilemmas. 

Who are the advanced level learning modules for: Field Coordinators, Operations, Humanitarian Affairs, Operational Communications and, Analysis Units staff as well as graduate students in Humanitarian Affairs or other related fields of study.


  • All advanced level modules are blended with self-pace and facilitated sessions thus enrolment is required for both internal and external students.
  • You will need to create an account on TEMBO, MSF’s training platform to access the self-paced modules.
  • You must complete initial course to obtain the key for access to other courses.

Credentialing: for all advanced modules, you must complete the assignments and attend the facilitated sessions to obtain your certificate / badge.

Online learning: Advanced level

Advanced Level Course: How does Speaking Out Articulate with MSF’s Working Humanitarian Principles?