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East Aleppo

Attacks on medical care

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Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, and more; health facilities have been attacked, looted and destroyed.

Patients have been killed in their beds; health workers have been attacked as they rescued the wounded. A hospital is where the most vulnerable, the sick and injured, gather in times of war. Attacks against medical facilities and health workers, whether deliberate or indiscriminate, are part of generalised violence and atrocities committed against civilians in armed conflict. They deprive people of health services, often when they need them the most.


Somalia abductions - expressions of public support deeply appreciated

Project Update 23 Apr 2009

Abducted aid workers in Somalia in good health

Project Update 21 Apr 2009

Two MSF staff members abducted in Somalia

Press Release 20 Apr 2009

MSF cannot confirm reports of release of Darfur staff

Statement 14 Mar 2009

MSF learns that fourth staff member remains abducted in Darfur

Project Update 13 Mar 2009

Reports of release of Darfur staff cannot be confirmed

Statement 13 Mar 2009

MSF confirms abduction of three international staff in Serif Umra, Darfur, Sudan

Statement 12 Mar 2009

Ongoing violence in Chad jeopardizes MSF's humanitarian assistance to population

Project Update 2 Oct 2008

MSF evacuates teams after series of assaults on staff in North Darfur

Press Release 1 Aug 2008
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30 April 2021