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East Aleppo

Attacks on medical care

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Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, and more; health facilities have been attacked, looted and destroyed.

Patients have been killed in their beds; health workers have been attacked as they rescued the wounded. A hospital is where the most vulnerable, the sick and injured, gather in times of war. Attacks against medical facilities and health workers, whether deliberate or indiscriminate, are part of generalised violence and atrocities committed against civilians in armed conflict. They deprive people of health services, often when they need them the most.


Aleppo: Medical Aid Besieged

Report 10 Mar 2015
displaced in sanatorium of Svetagorsk

Fighting decreases but medical situation remains dire

Crisis Update 4 Mar 2015
Evgueni Illitch, an ex miner of 68 years old.

Testimonies from patients in Debaltseve

Voices from the Field 3 Mar 2015
Ukraine - Support to the inhabitants of Debaltsevo

The overwhelming distress of Debaltseve’s residents

Voices from the Field 3 Mar 2015

Debaltseve, a town devastated by fighting

Voices from the Field 3 Mar 2015
Hospital Mobile Clinic Matchika Bambari CAR
Central African Republic

Ongoing violence in Bambari area restricts healthcare for residents

Project Update 26 Feb 2015
displaced in sanatorium of Svetagorsk

“When the shelling starts… just run to the closest basement”

Voices from the Field 19 Feb 2015
Aleppo city

MSF calls for wounded to be evacuated from Aleppo, increased humanitarian assistance

Press Release 19 Feb 2015
Conflict effect on population. Donetsk region, Ukraine JAN 2015

“Most victims are hit when they’re walking down the street or waiting for the bus”

Voices from the Field 13 Feb 2015
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30 April 2021