We launched a hepatitis C programme in Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh, in May 2016, offering the first free treatment for the blood-borne virus in the country.
The project started with the team screening HIV patients at the hospital for co-infection. Then, it expanded to include screening of patients referred by Preah Kossamak hospital’s hepatology department.
Our malaria research project in northern Cambodia was set up to find ways to eliminate malaria in an area where there is proven resistance to the most powerful antimalarial drug, artemisinin.
MSF teams responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in Cambodia between February and June 2020 by providing training and technical support in six hospitals. We handed over our last projects in 2021.
Plasmodium prevalence and artemisinin-resistant falciparum malaria in Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia: a cross-sectional population-based study

Cambodia wasn’t initially on Helen Tindall’s radar ...
Spatial epidemiology and climatic predictors of paediatric dengue infections captured via sentinel site surveillance, Phnom Penh Cambodia 2011-2012

Active Case Finding in Cambodia: Searching for TB one village at a time
Plasma Concentrations, Efficacy and Safety of Efavirenz in HIV-Infected Adults Treated for Tuberculosis in Cambodia