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Despite the peace process, a resurgence in violence has led to people in Colombia becoming displaced or traumatised.

As a result of the dispute between different armed groups, thousands of people have suffered violent attacks, while entire communities have been displaced or live for months confined in their homes. 

In addition to the humanitarian situation generated by the armed conflict, Colombia has also received a massive number of migrants from Venezuela in recent years, currently hosting more than 2.5 million people, many in precarious situations. 

In Barabcoas, Nariño, we focus on community health, while in Alto Baudó, Chocó, our teams are focused on emergency care and community health.

In all of our projects in Colombia, we also include sexual and reproductive health care to guarantee safe abortion for women who need it. 

Our activities in 2023 in Colombia

Data and information from the International Activity Report 2023.

MSF in Colombia in 2023 In Colombia, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) focuses on supporting communities who have difficulties in accessing health services due to ongoing conflict.
Colombia IAR map 2023

Despite the 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas and the current government’s negotiations with non-state armed groups, many areas of the country continue to be affected by conflict. In 2023, according to the Ombudsman’s Office, more than 66,000 people were forcibly confined and almost 55,000 displaced due to violent clashes and threats.  

In Alto Baudó, Chocó department, we have developed a model of care that aims to make medical services more accessible by bringing them closer to people’s homes. The project entails training members of the Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in general and mental health care and health promotion. Our team also supports patient referrals to more specialised health centres and hospitals.  

Until April 2023, we supported the same model of care in the municipalities of Barbacoas, Roberto Payán and Magüí Payán in Nariño department, known as the Telembí triangle, one of the sub-regions most affected by displacement in the country. This project was closed after two years, but we continue to monitor the medical and humanitarian needs in the area.  

MSF further increased access to care in 2023 by developing the Colombia Emergency Response System (CERS), a team comprising doctors, psychologists and nurses who make two- to four-week visits to provide comprehensive care to communities who cannot leave their homes due to armed violence. This team also played a key role in opening up humanitarian access for other organisations to these communities, who would otherwise be cut off from services. CERS supported communities in Amazonas, Guaviare, Antioquia, Cauca, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Chocó and Nariño departments.


in 2023

MSF provides medical and mental health care on the border with Venezuela

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MSF provides mental health support to those affected by the attack in the Timba district, in the Cauca region

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Mental Health in Colombia, September 2014
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Minds and bodies marked by sexual violence in Colombia

28 Nov 2014
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Sexual violence, an unattended medical emergency

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