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Malnutrition project in Madagascar
International Activity Report 2016


© Jorge Nyari/MSF

In March 2016, MSF ended its activities in Madagascar, where teams had returned in 2015 to respond to a malnutrition crisis.

Madagascar’s malnutrition crisis was caused by the bad rains and harvest of 2015. MSF provided treatment for malnutrition in Ambovombe district, Androy region and, by March 2016, the intensive therapeutic feeding centre had admitted 273 children and treated 1,165 as outpatients. ‘Nutrition surveillance caravans’ were operated to monitor the nutritional status of the scattered population in several parts of this largely rural region. In January and February, 10,368 children were screened for malnutrition and more than 8,000 medical consultations were provided. During those two months 1,559 children were vaccinated against measles and other common deadly diseases, such as pneumonia, diphtheria and tetanus.

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