In Ansongo town, Gao region, MSF supports the 48-bed referral hospital, providing outpatient consultations, inpatient and emergency care, surgery, maternal healthcare, treatment for chronic diseases, nutrition and laboratory services. The team also offers mental health support to victims of violence, and treats victims of sexual gender-based violence. Another team supports the district health centre.
In the rural areas of Ansongo district, MSF arranges referrals from the community to health centres and the hospital. From July to December, when the nomadic community migrated with their cattle far from the health centres, MSF ensured they had access to primary healthcare by training and mentoring community health workers in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases. In addition, more than 57,145 children received antimalarial treatment and routine catch-up vaccinations during the seasonal peak.
In Kidal region, north of Gao, MSF supported two health centres in Kidal town and three more in the periphery. In collaboration with the local authorities, the team also implemented seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) for the first time in the region, targeting around 16,048 children between three months and five years old.
In Timbuktu, as medical staff who had fled the city during the unrest began to return towards the end of the year, MSF initiated a progressive handover of all its activities in the regional referral hospital to the Ministry of Health. MSF has been working in this hospital since 2012.
In Koutiala district, southern Mali, MSF continues to run a comprehensive paediatric programme, aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of children under the age of five. In 2016, 7,032 children were admitted to the paediatric ward and 3,829 to the nutrition ward of the MSF-supported regional referral hospital in Koutiala. Teams also supported paediatric and nutrition activities in five health centres across the district, carrying out 90,203 outpatient consultations and treating 3,779 children for malnutrition. In these five health zones, a preventative package of health measures is implemented for all children under the age of two, including routine follow-up consultations, distribution of mosquito nets and supplementary milk-based foods, and vaccinations. This year, 7,723 children benefited from the package.
During the year, MSF started to hand over its SMC activities in Koutiala to the Ministry of Health. An average of 171,000 children received antimalarial drugs in each round.