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Detention Centres - Tripoli, Libya
RDSU - Bordeaux 2017
Cholera response in Yemen
Cambodia Hep-C
Cholera intervention in South Kivu

A year in review

Violence against civilians escalated in Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Central African Republic and Iraq in 2017. It continued unabated in Syria, Nigeria and Yemen. Entire communities paid a staggering price of death, injury and loss, and millions fled their homes in search of safety.

Tondo project in Philippines
Photo Story

A year in pictures 2017

18 Dec 2017
Photo Story

MSF programmes around the world

MSF ran 462 projects in 72 countries in 2017. Click on the map to find out more.

The place names and boundaries used in this report do not reflect any position by MSF on their legal status.

Our Programmes

    The place names and boundaries used in this report do not reflect any position by MSF on their legal status.
    Detention Centres - Tripoli, Libya
    Men detained in Abu Salim detention centre. Libya, March 2017.
    © Guillaume Binet/Myop
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    Difficult choices: providing healthcare in detention centres in Libya

    Migrants and refugees in Libya are detained arbitrarily and held in unregulated detention centres, where there is no guaranteed access to healthcare. By delivering primary healthcare in regular mobile clinics and offering lifesaving referral services, our teams are working to improve access to medical care and alleviate suffering. In addition to reaching out to people in distress, MSF aims to raise awareness of the violence and inhumanity of their situation, given increasingly life-threatening European migration policies implemented to contain migratory flows and push people out of sight.

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    The year in figures

    Browse through key facts and figures on our activities in 2017.

    The year in figures

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    TB programs in Gulf Province and Port Moresby


    Outpatient consultations
    Nablus hospital, Mosul, Iraq


    Births assisted, including caesarean sections
    Tanzania: World Malaria Day - photo story


    Cases of malaria treated
    Kgmotso Care Centre
    Poppy Makgobatlou
    © Siyathuthuka Media
    Getting to a clinic and talking to a counsellor saved my life. Poppy Makgobatlou, South Africa

    Voices from the field