A year in review
Violence against civilians escalated in Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Central African Republic and Iraq in 2017. It continued unabated in Syria, Nigeria and Yemen. Entire communities paid a staggering price of death, injury and loss, and millions fled their homes in search of safety.
MSF programmes around the world
MSF ran 462 projects in 72 countries in 2017. Click on the map to find out more.
Our Programmes

Difficult choices: providing healthcare in detention centres in Libya
Migrants and refugees in Libya are detained arbitrarily and held in unregulated detention centres, where there is no guaranteed access to healthcare. By delivering primary healthcare in regular mobile clinics and offering lifesaving referral services, our teams are working to improve access to medical care and alleviate suffering. In addition to reaching out to people in distress, MSF aims to raise awareness of the violence and inhumanity of their situation, given increasingly life-threatening European migration policies implemented to contain migratory flows and push people out of sight.

Performing trauma surgery in the public eye – and in the world’s forgotten wars
For civilians in a conflict zone, bomb blasts don’t happen just to individuals, they happen to families and to communities. As trauma surgeons and humanitarians, we are always striving to take the best care of our patients possible, whether it is in countries like Syria, which receive a lot of attention, or like the Central African Republic, which suffer largely outside of the public consciousness. In all of these places, we see the effect of violence on families and communities, we feel it with our patients and our colleagues, and we seek to make it better.

South Sudan without Borders: MSF efforts to help the displaced
Four years of civil conflict have taken a brutal toll on South Sudan and created one of the world’s worst displacement crises. Civilians have experienced extreme levels of violence and been forced from their homes. Two million people are currently displaced within the country, while another two million have sought refuge in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda, and are scattered in camps along the borders.

Easy to treat and prevent, yet cholera ravages communities in 2017
In total in 2017, MSF staff treated 143,100 people for cholera in 13 countries, compared with 20,600 people in 2016. However, our response could have been more effective, if we, and other aid organisations, had been able to respond more quickly and implement the full range of tools that we now have at our disposal.

Hepatitis C: pushing for access to the cure
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) kills 400,000 people every year. Breakthrough medicines can cure the disease in just 12 weeks, but millions of people cannot access these lifesaving treatments. MSF provided HCV treatment with direct-acting antivirals to 5,926 people in 13 countries in 2017.
The year in figures
The year in figures
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Outpatient consultations
Births assisted, including caesarean sections
Cases of malaria treated
Voices from the field
Getting to a clinic and talking to a counsellor saved my life.Poppy Makgobatlou, South Africa