According to official figures, more than 30,000 people fleeing conflict in Kasai province in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo took shelter in two makeshift camps (Cacanda and Mussungue) in the city of Dundo in Lunda Norte province.
In April, after the first 10,000 people arrived, MSF helped with latrine installations and water deliveries, and opened two clinics in the camps, where teams carried out mass vaccination campaigns reaching more than 5,000 children. MSF staff also supported nutrition and paediatric services in Chitato hospital. In October, when the situation had stabilised and the number of consultations had dropped from 2,000 to 800 per week, these activities were handed over to other organisations, thus enabling MSF teams to respond to other emergencies.
MSF also worked in Namacunde, in the southern province of Cunene, tackling malaria and malnutrition in an intervention that lasted until July.
Between January and April, at the request of the Angolan authorities, MSF responded to cholera outbreaks in Soyo and Luanda, setting up cholera treatment centres and training medical staff.
MSF will continue to support local authorities to provide emergency healthcare services, and a dedicated emergency team is ready to be deployed whenever there is a health alert in the country.