MSF’s support of the Mudug regional hospital in North Galkayo, Puntland region, resumed in May 2017 with nutrition programmes, in both ambulatory and inpatient therapeutic feeding centres. Outpatient and inpatient paediatric services were then activated in June, followed by emergency room support in September.
In November, in response to a surge in malnutrition in the Horn of Africa, MSF launched emergency projects in Dushamareb, the capital of Galmudug state and Dolow, Gedo region, on the border with Ethiopia.
Teams also carried out exploratory missions to assess the medical and humanitarian needs in Baidoa. As a result, MSF decided to support the regional hospital’s maternity and paediatric wards. Medical activities are planned to start in April 2018.
MSF is also developing a proposal on outbreak preparedness and response to support communities in southern Somalia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and other health organisations.
Because of its past experience, MSF’s return to Somalia is both cautious and modest. MSF’s presence in Somalia, the scope of its programmes and the potential expansion of its activities to other regions of the country will depend entirely on the acceptance, facilitation and active support received from the authorities and communities that it serves. MSF will assess locations for future projects based on needs, feasibility and the ability to secure the presence of international staff alongside Somali staff.