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MSF condemns the killing of four aid workers in northeast Nigeria
Malaria season ends, but healthcare challenges remain in Borno state
As security situation deteriorates, MSF withdraws staff from Biakato
Medevac repeal entrenches dangerous precedents on denial of medical care
MSF opens trauma hospital in Port-au-Prince amid deepening health crisis
Pharma giants shouldn’t receive multi-million dollar pneumonia vaccine subsidy
Rohingya refugee crisis: Unseen wounds need to heal
Conflict in Far North region strips people of hope
New model of care aims to reduce deaths among advanced HIV patients
AIDS death toll stagnating due to lack of testing at community level
Real solutions for migrants needed following evacuation of Paris camps
European leaders: Stop punishing asylum seekers on the Greek islands
MSF report "No time to lose" examines the fight against AIDS in 15 countries
Survivors disembark in Italy amidst deadly week in the Mediterranean
Fifteen years treating malnutrition and malaria around the clock
Is counter-terrorism killing humanitarian action in Nigeria?
From malnutrition to tuberculosis: responding to needs in North Galkayo
Cholera epidemic: "Thankfully, my family all came back cured"
Floods leave thousands of people vulnerable and in need
Shut out and forgotten, refugees in Dadaab appeal for dignity
Why bacteria love war-wounds
Beaten, cold, sick and stranded: migrants and asylum seekers in Bosnia
Empowering children living with type 1 diabetes
More than 5,000 patients treated during MSF response to dengue fever emergency
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.