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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Free Hepatitis clinic in Meerut
Photo Story

One year, 1,198 patients

2 Mar 2018
Photo Story
Osh project, fighting TB

Experts to tackle the deadly threat of TB in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Symposium

Press Release 1 Mar 2018
Congolese refugees in Uganda
Democratic Republic of Congo

Violence in Ituri province forces tens of thousands from their homes

Project Update 28 Feb 2018
Gaza Clinic Laurence Geai

Gazans’ wounds bear witness to their living conditions

Project Update 26 Feb 2018
Snapshots from Tabqa

"We need your help to stop the bombing"

Voices from the Field 24 Feb 2018

Doctors and nurses collapsing as medical response in East Ghouta reaches its limits

Press Release 24 Feb 2018
Diphtheria intervention in Cox's Bazar

“We had to learn around the clock how to treat diphtheria”

Voices from the Field 22 Feb 2018
Destroyed Ambulances in East Ghouta, Syria

Extraordinary mass-casualty influxes in East Ghouta as hospitals run short of life-saving medicines

Press Release 21 Feb 2018
Rohingya Exodus - 6 months
Photo Story

Rohingya exodus - six months into the humanitarian crisis

20 Feb 2018
Photo Story
Kunduz Hospital After the Attack
War and conflict

Humanitarian Wars? - Interview with Rony Brauman 19 Feb 2018
Rohingya Exodus - 6 months
Rohingya refugee crisis

Journey of death and life

Voices from the Field 19 Feb 2018
Rohingya Exodus - 6 months

The crisis is not over - Rohingya refugees are still arriving

Voices from the Field 19 Feb 2018
Introducing the team.
Photo Story

Decentralised healthcare in Upper Nile State

13 Feb 2018
Photo Story
Patients arrive with a multitude of different problems.
South Sudan

The stark choices facing displaced people in Aburoc

Project Update 13 Feb 2018

The situation in the northwest is quickly going from very bad to worse

Voices from the Field 9 Feb 2018
Simphiwe Zwide - MSF Treatment For TB in South Africa.

Drug-resistant TB: “Some of our patients simply can’t wait for clinical trials"

Project Update 9 Feb 2018
Zambia, cholera vaccination in Lusaka

Encouraging new results further demonstrate effectiveness of the single dose oral cholera vaccine

Press Release 9 Feb 2018
Harare Central Hospital Psychiatric Unit
Photo Story

Zimbabwe mental health project

8 Feb 2018
Photo Story
Borgo Mezzanone, the“Pista” ghetto

Migrants and refugees on the margins of society

Report 8 Feb 2018

MSF challenges Pfizer’s monopoly on lifesaving pneumonia vaccine in South Korea

Press Release 6 Feb 2018
Idlib: Newly displaced persons.

Idlib’s population suffers the consequences of heavy fighting and airstrikes

Voices from the Field 5 Feb 2018
Snakebites in Paoua
Photo Story

Affordable and quality antivenoms needed for snakebites

5 Feb 2018
Photo Story
MSF supported cholera treatment center in Al-Sadaqa hospital, Aden, Yemen

“On an average day in Taiz, we hear around five explosions per minute”

Voices from the Field 1 Feb 2018
Liberia pediatric surgery

MSF opens paediatric surgery programme

Project Update 31 Jan 2018
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
How we work

How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance

Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.


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