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MSF launches intervention in Mumbai, India, to tackle sharp malaria increase
Patience and distributions in Pakistan's flood zones
Working for the best, preparing for the worst
Emergency response to people affected by wood fires in Russia
MSF scales up distribution of relief goods as worrying gaps remain
MSF scales up cholera operations in northern Haiti
New rise in water levels in Pakistan floods delays aid effort
MSF responds to the needs of flash flood victims in Jammu and Kashmir, India
MSF launches bilingual website about its work assisting Somalis
Expanding assessments and assistance by MSF teams throughout Pakistan's flood zones
Somalia's civilians continue to bear brunt of Mogadishu warfare
MSF expands assistance to Pakistan flood victims
MSF calls for respect of medical activities and facilities as forced to suspend medical aid in a health centre in Jonglei state Sudan
Severe floods in Pakistan affect over 400,000
Tension and violence continue in south Kyrgyzstan MSF calls for impartial access to health care
Donors gambling with patients lives by retreating from AIDS funding
MSF teams in Haiti distribute tents after storm destroys shelters in camp
Bomb blast in Swat district Pakistan leaves five dead and 58 wounded
Working to prevent the spread of a cholera epidemic in Haiti
Reinforcing emergency healthcare in Helmand, Afghanistan
Working to improve paediatric care in Boost hospital Helmand province Afghanistan
Emergency response after the Haiti earthquake: Choices, obstacles and finance
Flooding brings chaos and desperation to Alagoas State, Brazil
MSF assists in treating victims of DRC fuel tanker disaster
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.