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There is a lack of humanitarian actors in Baghdad area

I left all my memories in Mosul

Displaced people face their third summer in harsh conditions

Protecting children from preventable diseases

Paediatric care and treating malnutrition in Aweil

Tens of thousands of newly displaced without assistance in the Diffa region

First ever MSF Paediatric Days

First MSF Paediatric days to be organised in Stockholm

Governments at UN must address severe lack of treatment access in West and Central Africa during High-Level Meeting

122 people severely wounded in one day as fighting pounds the city of Taiz

Little hope of a cure for the most vulnerable

We hope the bloodshed will stop, but it’s not likely to happen soon.

People trapped in Azaz urgently need safe haven - Turkey and the EU must open their borders

I cannot accept that children or adults can die like this. I cannot accept it. Never.

Reaching out to sex workers in the Beira corridor

Applied Reflection on Humanitarian Practice (ARHP)

One year of turmoil for Burundian refugees

Hunting down mosquitoes to combat yellow fever

Yellow fever: Everyone needs to remain vigilant and responsive to avoid an explosion

MSF teams help curb yellow fever

G7 fail to address the biggest threats to global health

Update on Calais 'Jungle' refugee camp


Zuwara is peaceful, but health is a major concern

How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.