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Assaulted and shot at - MSF evacuates DRC Dungu team for safety reasons
Relocation back to Afghanistan starts for Afghan refugees in Pakistan
Cholera epidemic in Burundi over its peak
AIDS activists meet to to set up Pan-African lobby
The killer diseases that target the poor
MSF maintains suspension of activities in North Caucasus
Overview of projects now suspended following kidnapping of MSF volunteer
MSF demands unconditional release of Arjan Erkel
Kenya Coalition welcomes re-amendment of Industrial Property Act
Sex-health clinic opens in local market district
MSF confirms kidnapping of staff member
HIV/AIDS treatment in South Africa provessuccess in the poorest conditions
Widening HIV drug access: $100 triple therapy now within reach
MSF supplies vaccines and reinforces its medical team
MSF surveys in Mavinga show depth of ongoing malnutrition crisis in pockets of Angola
DOTS coverage for TB now complete in Dashouguz Velayat, Turkmenistan
MSF strongly condemns kidnapping of head of Druzhba
Survival of thousands of Angolans constantly threatened
The 90/10 divide
Chechen displaced: MSF open letter to OCHA
Reflection and Reaction: Drugs for neglected diseases
Measles vaccinations in second stage of MSF action in Angola
Chechen displaced remain under pressure
Increased violence in Liberia brings new exodus
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.