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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Flood flashes in Iran

Flash floods in Iran wash away homes, roads and livelihoods

Voices from the Field 29 Apr 2019
Emergency mobile clinic outside Beira, Mozambique
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

MSF emergency response to Cyclone Idai and flooding

Crisis Update 26 Apr 2019
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

Time running out for evacuations of trapped refugees in Tripoli amid shooting

Press Release 26 Apr 2019
Naga, Myanmar, Access to healthcare for remote communities
Photo Story

Bringing healthcare to remote communities in Naga

25 Apr 2019
Photo Story
Timergara District Headquarter Hospital

Drugs meant to help give life come with serious health risks

Project Update 24 Apr 2019
MSF Mother and Child Hospital - Taiz

Complicated delivery: The Yemeni mothers and children dying without medical care

Report 24 Apr 2019
TESTIMONY (INT): Eftekar, Patient at Taiz Houban hospital - Mother and Child in Yemen

Mothers and children left to die in Yemen without access to medical care

Press Release 24 Apr 2019
Nutritional crisis in southern Ethiopia

Alarming rates of malnutrition among displaced people in southern Ethiopia

Press Release 17 Apr 2019
المهاجرون محتجزون في طرابلس

Detained refugees trapped, Libyan families flee, as fighting worsens in Tripoli

Project Update 17 Apr 2019
Medical care to Venezuelan migrants in Colombia

Assisting Venezuelan migrants in Colombia

Project Update 17 Apr 2019
Still enormous humanitarian needs in South Sudan
South Sudan

There’s a lot to be done to address the uncountable health needs

Voices from the Field 16 Apr 2019
Emergency response in Nhamatanda district
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

From emergency to recovery: Mozambique one month after Cyclone Idai

Project Update 12 Apr 2019
Pneumonia vaccination - Greek islands
Access to medicines

Humanitarian mechanism for vaccines used for first time in Europe to counter high prices

Press Release 12 Apr 2019
Providing Emergency Nutritional and Paediatric care in Bama, Borno State.
Lake Chad Crisis

Borno State: “We don’t know anything of the people living in regions outside army control”

Interview 11 Apr 2019
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

Trapped refugees must be released and granted safety from Tripoli fighting

Project Update 11 Apr 2019
MSF response to cyclone Idai in Chimanimani - Zimbabwe
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

Chimanimani: A community in distress after Cyclone Idai

Project Update 10 Apr 2019
Treating Mosul’s wounded

A year of post-operative care in Mosul

Project Update 10 Apr 2019
Ala' Al-Share'
Child health

“Children with chronic diseases need our attention”

Interview 9 Apr 2019

Rwandan genocide 25 years on: MSF caught in spiral of extreme violence from Rwanda to Zaire

Voices from the Field 5 Apr 2019
Gaza protest

Gaza’s numbing routine of injury and death

Voices from the Field 4 Apr 2019
Diffa: recent attack in Nguigmi village

Violence, humanitarian needs and fear mount in Diffa

Project Update 4 Apr 2019
Democratic Republic of Congo

The daily struggle for survival in DRC

Op-Ed 4 Apr 2019
Over 30,000 people in acute need in Monguno

Over 30,000 people in acute need in northern Borno state

Press Release 4 Apr 2019
MSF Aden trauma hospital

Medical admissions in Aden suspended after patient kidnapped and killed

Press Release 4 Apr 2019
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance

Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.


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