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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Eye surgery camp with 'Right To Sight' returns vision to hundreds in Galcayo, Somalia

Project Update 25 May 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo

Many challenges still remain in North East DRC

Voices from the Field 20 May 2010

Time passes, medical needs persist and just a few months to hurricane season

Project Update 20 May 2010
Neglected diseases

MSF and DNDi call for a more rounded resolution on Chagas disease

Project Update 17 May 2010
South Africa

MSF calls attention to continuing dangers faced by survival migrants and refugees in South Africa

Press Release 12 May 2010

With violent clash in Somalia, MSF calls for respect of the neutrality of medical facilities

Press Release 10 May 2010

Lead poisoning continues to affect hundreds of children in northwestern Nigeria

Project Update 10 May 2010

Victory for access to medicines as valganciclovir patent is rejected in India

Press Release 6 May 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo

In Ituri, DRC, several thousand isolated civilians are once again caught in the trap of conflict

Project Update 4 May 2010

Free Trade Agreement: Trading away the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS

Project Update 28 Apr 2010
Project Update

Every year, over one million patients treated by MSF for malaria in 30 countries

Project Update 25 Apr 2010
South Africa

Medical solutions exist yet malaria remains a killer

Project Update 25 Apr 2010

Surviving TB - before and after in India

Project Update 21 Apr 2010

MSF vaccinates 500,000 children against measles in N'Djamena Chad

Project Update 12 Apr 2010

MSF responds to worst cholera outbreak in Zambia in years

Project Update 12 Apr 2010

MSF provides emergency medical supplies to victims of violence in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Project Update 9 Apr 2010

Bomb blast leaves 44 dead and 88 severely wounded in North West Frontier Province Pakistan

Project Update 5 Apr 2010

Malaria emergency in northern Burundi

Project Update 1 Apr 2010

Donor conference: Haiti must be given capacity to ensure access to medical care for its population

Press Release 30 Mar 2010

Medical needs in Haiti remain high as MSF moves into next crucial phase

Project Update 26 Mar 2010
Sexual violence

MSF denounces the sexual violence against migrants travelling to Europe

Report 25 Mar 2010

Improving care for TB patients, Wardher, Somali Region, Ethiopia

Project Update 25 Mar 2010

Social workers and psychologists vital in helping DR TB patients through treatment

Project Update 24 Mar 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo

Armed Congolese soldiers enter MSF hospital in Hauts Plateaux South Kivu and remove wounded patients

Press Release 16 Mar 2010
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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