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Refugees at Mbera camp in Mauritania’s desert


MSF first worked in Mauritania in 1994 and handed over our projects in December 2018.

We provided medical care to Malian refugees and host communities in Mauritania.

Our teams provided medical assistance in Mbera camp, including ante- and postnatal care, family planning, obstetrics and neonatology, treatment for chronic and infectious diseases, and nutritional support.

We also provided care to local communities neighbouring the refugee camp, in the towns of Bassikounou and Fassala, and surrounding villages, including surgery and vaccination services.

The situation in parts of the country has become chronic, requiring a long-term response that focuses on the development of a sustainable public health system. For this reason, we decided to hand over our activities in Mauritania to the Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) in December 2018.

In 2016

Refugees stranded in desert

Press Release 13 Apr 2013

Emergency medical needs continue

Project Update 12 Mar 2013

Alarming malnutrition and mortality among malian refugees

Voices from the Field 9 Jan 2013

Nearly one thousand Malian refugees pour into the Mbera camp every day

Press Release 19 Apr 2012

MSF's dual response to an expected nutritional crisis

Project Update 30 Mar 2012

Food insecurity threatens as thousands of Malian refugees gather in desert

Project Update 29 Feb 2012