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Nearly one thousand Malian refugees pour into the Mbera camp every day

Press Release 19 Apr 2012

MSF condemns attack on medical facility and suspends activities in Khost

Press Release 17 Apr 2012

Access to healthcare remains a concern despite reforms

Press Release 12 Apr 2012
Democratic Republic of Congo

Civilians and aid workers are victims of renewed fighting in the Kivus

Press Release 12 Apr 2012
South Sudan

MSF assists patients wounded in aerial bombardment in Unity state

Press Release 12 Apr 2012
Democratic Republic of Congo

Armed robbery at MSF compound in eastern DRC

Statement 10 Apr 2012

MSF hospital caught in centre of fighting in Mogadishu

Press Release 30 Mar 2012

MSF's dual response to an expected nutritional crisis

Project Update 30 Mar 2012
MSF TB treatment in north Uganda, 2011-12

From the Ground Up: Building a Drug-Resistant TB programme in Uganda

Report 29 Mar 2012
Somali refugee camps in Liben region near Dolo Ado, Ethiopia September 2011.
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Assisting the Somali population affected by the humanitarian crisis of 2011

Report 29 Mar 2012
Lives in the balance: the urgent need for HIV and TB treatment in Myanmar
Access to medicines

Losing ground: How Global Fund shortages and PEPFAR cuts are jeopardising the fight against HIV and TB

Report 26 Mar 2012

Alarming scale of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis requires rapid response to avert emerging global crisis

Press Release 20 Mar 2012

Improving TB detection and treatment in prisons

Project Update 20 Mar 2012
South Sudan

Window of opportunity closing fast to provide assistance to 80,000 Sudanese refugees from Blue Nile state

Press Release 14 Mar 2012
Congo - Yasuyoshi Chiba - MSF Delivers 2011
Women's health

Maternal death: The avoidable crisis

Report 8 Mar 2012
Congo - Yasuyoshi Chiba - MSF Delivers 2011
Women's health

Médecins Sans Frontières highlights medical approaches to avert maternal deaths during humanitarian crises

Press Release 8 Mar 2012

'No Weapons, No Fees' - MSF in Afghanistan

Project Update 6 Mar 2012
Republic of Congo

Brazzaville explosion - MSF supports hospitals treating the wounded

Project Update 6 Mar 2012
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF staff Returns to Shamwana, Katanga, to resume medical care

Press Release 6 Mar 2012
Hospital in Khost province, Afghanistan

MSF opens maternity hospital in Khost

Press Release 5 Mar 2012

Resurgence of measles outbreaks: The need for appropriate and timely response

Report 1 Mar 2012

Food insecurity threatens as thousands of Malian refugees gather in desert

Project Update 29 Feb 2012

Migrants suffer in border police stations amid recent extreme weather conditions

Project Update 28 Feb 2012

MSF treats wounded after Kunduz protests

Press Release 26 Feb 2012
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance

Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.

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MSF Response Measles Vaccination (Am Timan District)
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