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Testimony from Vathy Camp. Samos - July 2020

European policies of deterrence and containment degrade human life

Op-Ed 1 Oct 2020
COVID-19 Intervention: National Public Health Laboratory, Juba
South Sudan

Young biotechnologists at the forefront of the COVID-19 response

Project Update 1 Oct 2020
Beneficiary of safe abortion care
Women's health

Proposed changes to US Global Gag Rule threaten wider harm to women

Interview 28 Sep 2020
COVID-19 ward in Al-Kindy hospital, Baghdad

COVID-19 outbreak in Baghdad is “very alarming”

Project Update 24 Sep 2020
Heavy floods threaten the lives of thousands of people in Greater Pibor
South Sudan

Heavy floods threaten the lives of thousands of people in Greater Pibor

Project Update 23 Sep 2020
Surge in COVID-19 cases adds new challenges to the humanitarian response in north-west Syria
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Ten-fold increase in COVID-19 cases adds new challenges in northwest Syria

Project Update 22 Sep 2020
Palestine: Tackling COVID-19 in Hebron, the epicenter of the outbreak

Tackling COVID-19 in Hebron, the epicentre of the outbreak in Palestine

Project Update 21 Sep 2020
Eshowe Rural COVID-19 Response
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 and rural South Africa 21 Sep 2020
Mediterranean migration

Detainment of fifth search and rescue ship in five months condemns people to die at sea

Press Release 20 Sep 2020
MSF emergency clinic after Moria fire
Mediterranean migration

“Enough is enough”: Time to stop the cycle of suffering for refugees on Greek islands

Project Update 17 Sep 2020
Old Fangak Stories
About MSF

Challenging times in Old Fangak 17 Sep 2020
Home visit at indigenous village of Limao Verde
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

MSF works to prevent spread of COVID-19 among indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul

Project Update 17 Sep 2020
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