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Pibor-Thousands flee into the bush as conflict intensifies

MSF urges respect for medical action after violent incursion in Central Darfur

After a violent incursion occurred in an MSF-supported health facility in Central Darfur state that left one MSF staff member injured, we urge all armed groups in Sudan to respect medical and humanitarian action. Statement - 15 May 2020
An MSF ambulance picking up a patient at night in Mathare
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

COVID19 and lack of protective equipment threaten lifesaving care in Kenya.

COVID-19 in Kenya is raising concerns for vulnerable people living in the slums of Mathare, where MSF has been providing emergency medical services. The lack of protective equipment is a cause for concern. Project Update - 15 May 2020
Covid-19 Response in Liberia
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 in West Africa: “Let’s prepare for a long-distance run”

MSF West Africa's Dr Chibuzo Okonta calls on practitioners from the African continent to own the narrative of the current coronavirus pandemic and take advantage of Africa’s experience of outbreaks. Op-Ed - 15 May 2020
Revolting attack on pregnant women and babies

“They came to kill the mothers” in Kabul maternity hospital attack

Frederic Bonnot, MSF head of programmes in Afghanistan, was in the maternity wing of Dasht-e-Barchi hospital at the time of an horrific attack. He recounts the horrendous experience. Voices from the Field - 14 May 2020


Medical Evacuation to Bentiu PoC
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

People in protection of civilians camps in South Sudan found to have COVID-19

In a worrying sign, people in two overcrowded protection of civilians camps in South Sudan - in Juba and Bentiu - have been found to be positive for COVID-19, sparking fears of an outbreak. Project Update - 13 May 2020
Revolting attack on pregnant women and babies

Revolting attack on maternity ward kills pregnant women and babies in Afghanistan

An horrific, cowardly attack on our maternity ward in Dasht-e-Barchi hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan, has left several patients and presumably one MSF staff member dead. Press Release - 13 May 2020
Centre de Traitement des Épidémies de Nongo, à Conakry
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

MSF supports the COVID-19 pandemic response in Guinea

MSF is sending additional resources to support the COVID-19 response in Guinea, one of the countries on the African continent most affected by the virus. Project Update - 12 May 2020
MSF intervention in care homes
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

I do not clap at 8pm

Jean-Hervé Bradol, a former president of MSF France, and today a part of the team of MSF's reflection centre, the CRASH, discusses the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes. MSF CRASH - 10 May 2020
Responding to COVID-19 in Ukraine
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Responding to COVID-19 in conflict-affected eastern Ukraine

Project Update - 8 May 2020
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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