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MSF response to cyclone Idai in Chimanimani - Zimbabwe
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

The first six days after Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe

Medical team leader Marthe Frieden went from working on her 'quiet' MSF project in Zimbabwe's Manicaland province, to the emergency of Cyclone Idai. Here she recounts the first six days of the response. Voices from the Field - 29 Mar 2019
Response to flooding in Southern Africa - Malawi
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

Malawi: “This time, the flooding has destroyed houses, not lives”

Parts of Malawi have been submerged by floods from rains that later turned into Cyclone Idai. MSF logistician Labana Steven is part of the emergency response and explains the difference between these floods and those of previous years. Voices from the Field - 29 Mar 2019
Gaza: MSF providing care for the victims of the Great March of Return

March of Return protestors abandoned after year of suffering

A year after the start of the series of March of Return protests in which Israeli forces shot at people in Gaza, resulting in horrific injuries, the needs to provide injured people with care mount as the local healthcare system is unable to cope. Project Update - 28 Mar 2019
Mobile Clinics in Ponta Gea, Beira area.
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

Mozambique declares cholera cases in Beira in wake of Cyclone Idai

Two weeks after Cyclone Idai hit Beira in central Mozambique, leaving fresh water supplies and infrastructure damaged, the government in Mozambique has reported the first cases of cholera in the city. Project Update - 28 Mar 2019
Mobile Clinics in Ponta Gea, Beira area.
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

Mozambique flooding and response: both enormous in scale

MSF has massively scaled up the response in Beira, Mozambique, after Cyclone Idai and flooding struck the city on 14 March. Project Update - 27 Mar 2019
Bed net distribution in Sifontes, Bolivar State

MSF’s work across Venezuela

MSF is working across four projects in Venezuela. MSF Operations Coordinator Kristel Eerdekens describes the activities we're carrying out through the country. Interview - 27 Mar 2019
MSF supported cholera treatment center in Al-Sadaqa hospital, Aden, Yemen

MSF treats exponential increase in cholera cases since start of 2019

Since the start of 2019, MSF staff in Yemen have recorded and treated exponential increase in cholera cases across 4 governorates in Yemen over the last three months. Press Release - 27 Mar 2019
Central American migration

People fleeing put at risk through dangerous government migration policies

MSF's Samuel Almeida describes the impact that dangerous and immoral government migration policies - particularly those of the US - have on people fleeing violence in Central America. Voices from the Field - 26 Mar 2019
Collapsed building

The aftermath of the conflict in Hawija: “My only hope is to get back to normal”

With people returning to Hawija, northern Iraq, after years of conflict, MSF is filling the gaps in the local healthcare system, providing treatment including for chronic and non-communicable diseases. Project Update - 26 Mar 2019
Intense fighting in Taiz Houban

People unable to access lifesaving care amid heavy fighting in Taiz city

Three MSF-supported facilities have received 49 war wounded and 2 dead, while the total number of people in need of assistance is unknown after four days of intense fighting in the Yemeni city of Taiz. Statement - 24 Mar 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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