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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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Surgeries in Al-Awda Hospital

The challenge of filling gaps in the legs of Gaza’s wounded

Since the March of Return protests in Palestine, over 2018, MSF has treated half of the 6,000 people injured by Israeli gunfire. The injuries are devastating. We're providing surgical and post-operative care - but there's a huge gap in the treatment needs of these many patients. Project Update - 24 Jan 2019
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

Refugees returned to overcrowded Libyan detention centres

Over recent weeks, vulnerable refugees have been intercepted or rescued in the Mediterranean Sea and brought back to Libya - in violation of international law - and are now locked up in dire conditions in overcrowded detention facilities. Project Update - 23 Jan 2019
Nduta Refugee Camp, Tanzania
Mental health

Displaced and distressed: people’s mental health in East Africa

MSF teams in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda are seeing the numbers of patients seeking treatment for mental health issues is increasing – in some cases even doubling – because of violence and displacement. Project Update - 22 Jan 2019
Ebola Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
DRC Ebola outbreaks

Ebola patient care increases amid growing tensions in North Kivu

Conflict and instability in the North Kivu region of Democratic Republic of Congo has made it difficult for people to access healthcare in a region that is in the grip of the second-largest ever Ebola outbreak. MSF teams though are expanding our response to the epidemic. Project Update - 18 Jan 2019
Lassa fever project
Neglected diseases

Lassa fever: A challenging disease to diagnose and treat

Despite affecting up to 300,000 people a year across West Africa, and causing more than 5,000 deaths annually, Lassa fever is a poorly understood disease that is challenging to diagnose and treat. Research is urgently needed to develop more effective and affordable diagnostics and treatments. Project Update - 18 Jan 2019
Emergency intervention in Dessa, Tillabery

“These displaced people live in fear of being attacked at any time”

After increased insecurity in the Tillabéry region of Niger caused large numbers of people to flee their homes, MSF carried out an emergency response in early January 2019. Interview - 17 Jan 2019
Tackling antibiotic resistance in Mosul
Antibiotic resistance

“Without urgent action, common infections and minor injuries could be deadly again”

Ernestina Repetto, MSF advisor on infectious diseases, answers the big questions on antibiotic resistance. Interview - 17 Jan 2019
Tackling antibiotic resistance in Mosul

The invisible burden of antibiotic resistance in Mosul

Almost 40 per cent of patients admitted to MSF’s post-operative care facility in East Mosul arrive with multidrug-resistant infections, and antibiotic resistance is a problem throughout the country. Project Update - 17 Jan 2019
Tackling antibiotic resistance in Mosul

“Over a third of our patients in East Mosul show antibiotic resistance”

Karam Yaseen, a health promoter at MSF’s hospital in East Mosul, Iraq, describes the rising challenge of antibiotic resistance. Voices from the Field - 17 Jan 2019
Bodo , Cameroon - People fleeing Rann

Rann was attacked – and was left “like a graveyard”

MSF nurse Isa Sadiq Bwala describes what he saw in Rann, northeastern Nigeria, following a devastating attack on the town on 14 January. Voices from the Field - 16 Jan 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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