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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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Aquarius__People leaving for Maltese boat
Mediterranean migration

Spanish fishing boat blocked by EU authorities highlights search and rescue crisis

Spanish fishing boat, Nuestra Madre de Loreto, has rescued 12 people in the Central Mediterranean, but European authorities are refusing to provide a safe port of entry to disembark them. MSF expresses our support for the rescued people and the crew. Press Release - 29 Nov 2018
Guinea-Bissau. MSF emergency paediatric project in the national hospital in Bissau

Paediatric emergency services in practice

The stories of Amadou, Janu and Sadjo's baby, each admitted in a serious condition to the paediatric emergency and intensive care services supported by MSF at Simão Mendes National Hospital (HNSM) in Bissau. Voices from the Field - 29 Nov 2018
Guinea-Bissau. MSF emergency paediatric project in the national hospital in Bissau

Five things to know about our emergency paediatric project in Bissau

Why MSF has opened a paediatric care project in Simão Mendes National Hospital (HNSM), and what our teams are doing there. Project Update - 29 Nov 2018
Health center of Miandja
Democratic Republic of Congo

Mortality among malnourished children on the rise in Masisi

In the last two months, the mortality rate in the healthcare facilities supported by MSF has risen from 6.4 per cent to 8 per cent. Project Update - 29 Nov 2018
HIV department of Arua Regional hospital

Treatment scale-down ahead?

MSF report finds that available funding for HIV is being limited to a number of countries, with increasing restrictions on what it can be spent on. Report - 29 Nov 2018
Castors Maternity - Bangui
World AIDS Day

UNAIDS report overlooks significant aspects of the global HIV response

UNAIDS' 2018 World AIDS Day report is selectively silent on persistently high AIDS mortality and looming treatment rationing in light of donor disengagement. Statement - 29 Nov 2018
Chiradzulu: HIV care for adolescents

Pharmaceutical corporations are failing children with HIV

MSF criticises pharma for dragging feet on developing HIV drugs for children Press Release - 29 Nov 2018
Gaza - Lifelong impact of gunshot injuries

Gazans’ injuries risk permanently shattering lives

The huge numbers of patients with complex and serious gunshot wounds are overwhelming the healthcare system in Gaza, leaving thousands in danger of infection and disability. Press Release - 29 Nov 2018
Petobo village, South Palu, Indonesia, October 2018

Update on Central Sulawesi response - November 2018

An overview of MSF's emergency response in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, following the earthquake and tsunami that hit the province on 28 September, causing significant damage and loss of life. Crisis Update - 27 Nov 2018
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

Over 80 refugees and migrants forcibly disembarked in Misrata after 10-day standoff

On 20 November, Libyan security forces conducted an operation to forcibly disembark 81 refugees and migrants from a cargo ship in Misrata. Since then, we have not had access to any members of the group. We are extremely concerned about their location and medical status. Statement - 23 Nov 2018
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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