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مستشفى السلام في شرق الموصل في العراق

A new emergency room for Al ‘Salaam hospital, East Mosul

MSF has completed the construction of a new emergency room (ER) in the Al ‘Salaam and Al’ Shifaa hospital complex, to increase the capacity of the health facility and improve access to high-quality emergency care for the population of East Mosul. Press Release - 18 Dec 2018
Cholera vaccination campaign in Maradi

Preventing future outbreaks in a cholera hotspot

Since early July, Niger has been battling the worst cholera outbreak in years. As the disease ebbs, MSF and local health authorities shift their focus to preventing future outbreaks in the southern region of Maradi, most affected by the current epidemic and known as a hotspot for cholera along the border of Niger and Nigeria. Project Update - 17 Dec 2018
Many people in the Platinum belt have family members working in the mines. Houses are often built close together in smaller, spread out neighbourhoods.
South Africa

Critical gaps in mental healthcare for survivors of sexual violence

MSF's report finds that nearly half of health facilities in South Africa designated to care for survivors of sexual violence say they do not offer counselling services to child survivors of rape, who potentially represent up to half of all survivors, while 1 in 5 offer no counselling services at all. Report - 17 Dec 2018
Body Mapping as a mental health response to sexual violence
South Africa

The mental healthcare lottery faced by victims of sexual violence

Yolanda Hanning, mental health manager for MSF’s Rustenburg project, presents the challenges victims of sexual violence in South Africa face in accessing mental healthcare and how MSF is working to change that. Voices from the Field - 17 Dec 2018
Diffa, Niger: Young managed touched by the conflict

Diffa’s young minds damaged by the conflict

Children account for about 70 per cent of the 250,000 people who have sought refuge in Diffa, Niger, fleeing conflict in the Lake Chad region. MSF is running a mental health and psychosocial support programme for children and adolescents in Diffa, to help them to overcome the trauma they have experienced. Project Update - 14 Dec 2018
Diffa, Niger: Young managed touched by the conflict

Lives haunted by violence

Since late 2014, the region of Diffa in southern Niger has been caught in armed conflict, forcing 250,000 people from their homes, over two-thirds of them children. Halisa, Mohammed, Asan, Aïcha, Mariam and Issa, participants in the mental health programme that MSF runs in Diffa, share their stories. Voices from the Field - 14 Dec 2018
Diffa, Niger: Young managed touched by the conflict
Mental health

“It takes a lot to bring these children back to something approaching a normal life”

Interview with Cristina Carreño, MSF mental health advisor, on the role of mental healthcare for children in MSF’s programmes for victims of violence, conflict or natural disasters, and notably for displaced populations. Interview - 13 Dec 2018
Central American migration

US asylum restrictions are deepening Mexican border crisis

Current and proposed policies to severely restrict the ability to seek asylum in the United States have created an administrative limbo that leaves Central American asylum seekers in Mexico exposed to further violence. Press Release - 13 Dec 2018
No safe haven for Iraq’s displaced

Iraq’s displaced see no hope on the horizon

Iraqis who fled the Islamic State group’s iron grip and the US-led coalition’s bombing campaigns have all but lost hope in the future. Their story is testament to the fact that, while the Islamic State group appears to have been defeated militarily, peace and prosperity remain a distant dream for many Iraqis. Voices from the Field - 12 Dec 2018
MMR Vaccination in Chios, Greece
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

"Migration is not a crime. Saving lives is not a crime"

Speech given by MSF International President Dr Joanne Liu at the Global Compact of Migration conference in Marrakesh, Morocco, on refugees and migration. Speech - 11 Dec 2018
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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