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Qalaat Al Madiq hospital

Zero point – displaced from East Ghouta and in need of treatment

Close to 60,000 people have been displaced from East Ghouta to northwest Syria in the space of just a month. A significant number of these men, women and children are injured or sick and in need of medical care. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) participated in the medical response. MSF supports the main hospital in charge of triaging and treating these patients at a location known as “zero point”, where the new arrivals descend from buses. Refaat Al Obed, the hospital’s Medical Director, describes the situation. Voices from the Field - 13 Apr 2018
South Sudan

Enduring Bentiu

A Daily Struggle in South Sudan's Protection of Civilians Site Photo Story - 12 Apr 2018
International General Assembly 2014
Associative History 1971-2011

MSF, Evolution of an International Movement

This eBook series takes you on a journey of MSF's international associative history, from its inception in Paris in the early 70's, to becoming an international medical humanitarian movement.
CAR : A Forgotten Health Emergency
Who we are

We are Médecins Sans Frontières

Learn about the MSF charter, who we are, our history and our working principles guided by medical ethics, impartiality, independence, neutrality, bearing witness and transparency.
Influx of wounded patients in Sica hospital in Bangui
Central African Republic

Four things to know about the conflict in the Central African Republic

Ongoing war has resulted in a protracted humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), creating severe health needs among the population. Voices from the Field - 10 Apr 2018
Life in limbo - psychosocial support for asylum seekers in Sweden

Uncertain life situation leads to mental health distress among asylum seekers

A new report by MSF reveals that many asylum seekers suffer from mental health problems and that their uncertain life situation in destination countries is the main contributing factor. The report, which is based on a project in Sweden, also highlights obstacles that prevent asylum seekers from receiving the care they need and have a right to. MSF calls for improved access to mental health care services for asylum seekers. Report - 9 Apr 2018

Vaccinating 10,000 children over 60,000km of desert roads

The vast, desert region of Kidal in northern Mali, south of the Sahara, is home to nomadic populations frequently living far from health facilities. In 2018, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) launched its first multi-antigen campaign in Mali, aiming to vaccinate 10,000 children against a variety of common illnesses. Project Update - 9 Apr 2018

Pharmacokinetics of efavirenz in patients on antituberculosis treatment in high HIV and tuberculosis burden countries: a systematic review

Efavirenz (EFV) and Rifampicin-Isoniazid (RH) are cornerstone drugs in HIV-tuberculosis (TB) co-infection treatment but with complex drug interactions, efficacy and safety challenges. We reviewed recent data on EFV and RH interaction in TB/HIV high-burden countries. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology - 6 Apr 2018
Refugees in northern DRC
Democratic Republic of Congo

Lives split over the Congolese border

Sébastien Jagla, MSF project coordinator in the north of Democratic Republic of Congo, describes the challenges to provide humanitarian assistance to Central African refugees, constantly on the move between two places and with no real home. Voices from the Field - 6 Apr 2018

Remembering the genocide more than 20 years on

More than two decades since the 1994 genocide, Rwandan fieldworkers tell us about the experiences that motivated them to join MSF. Project Update - 6 Apr 2018
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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