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Family in refugee camp near Polykastro
United States of America

Suspension of US refugee resettlement endangers people fleeing war zones

President Donald J. Trump’s executive order suspending refugee resettlement to the United States is an inhumane act against people fleeing war zones. Statement - 29 Jan 2017
Kunduz Hospital After the Attack

Attack on Kunduz Trauma Centre

On 3 October 2015, U.S. airstrikes killed 42 people and destroyed the MSF trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. As we grieve the loss of our colleagues and patients, we are left with the question: is it still possible to safely provide medical care on the frontline?
Baby Nubia Is Released From MSF Clinic in Conakry

Killer Diseases

People know little about killer diseases. Who contracts them? How can they be fought? What are the prospects for research? Seeking to answer some of these questions, this educational web documentary puts seven of these diseases (antibiotic resistance, Ebola, hepatitis C, malaria, measles, tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS) under the microscope.
Killer diseases

Seven killer diseases under the microscope

One of the outcomes of a partnership of Médecins Sans Frontières (in cooperation with EUP - État d’Urgence Production), DNDi, Institut Pasteur, Fondation Mérieux, Universcience, lNSERM and CANOPE, this web documentary offers a fresh perspective on Killer Diseases. Documentary - 27 Jan 2017
Honduras: Mental healthcare for victims of violence

Mental healthcare for victims of violence

During 2016, MSF expanded its activities in Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela, where it provides mental healthcare for victims of violence. Project Update - 26 Jan 2017
Georgia: DR-TB patients find hope in new treatments
Access to medicines

Public health groups welcome agreement for development of promising new TB drug

While deal marks a critical step in the fight against TB, health groups warn that the deal lacks safeguards that would ensure worldwide affordability. Press Release - 26 Jan 2017
South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda

MSF provides medical care inside the refugee complex. Most common pathologies are malaria and diarrhoeas but chronic diseases and mental health are also an issue.
Photo Story - 26 Jan 2017
"Because Tomorrow Needs Her" communications project - Unsafe abortion in Haiti
Women's health

The Mexico City Policy endangers women's lives

Unsafe abortion is one of the five main causes of maternal mortality worldwide, together with haemorrhage, eclampsia, sepsis and obstructed labour. Statement - 26 Jan 2017
Palliative care

Palliative Care in Humanitarian Medicine

UREPH is pleased to announce the publication of the article “Palliative Care in Humanitarian Medicine” by James Smith and Tammam Aloudat in the journal Palliative Medicine. Journal article - 25 Jan 2017
Emergency Gap
Access to Healthcare

Insecurity - always an insurmountable obstacle?

This paper attempts to offer a reflection on the subject of risk acceptance, and some of the underlying factors that – apart from the actual security threat – influence security decision-making in the humanitarian sector. Report - 25 Jan 2017
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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