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MSF treats 60 people wounded in grenade explosions

60 injured people were treated by MSF at its trauma centre after grenades exploded in several Bujumbura neighbourhoods. Project Update - 18 Nov 2015
Malakal, South Sudan
South Sudan

"The root cause of these illnesses is overcrowding and sub-standard living conditions"

Each time the three-month-old exhales, it makes a rasping sound as her breath forces its way through her tiny, infected lungs. When the infant cries, her body contorts with the effort of breathing. Until recently, she’s been connected to an oxygen machine to support her breathing. Voices from the Field - 18 Nov 2015
Malakal, South Sudan
South Sudan

Dramatic increase in patients in Malakal’s UN site as living conditions jeopardise health of thousands

Following an influx of 16,000 IDPs in July-August, conditions remain unacceptable and it's impacting the health of the population: the number of under-five children treated by MSF per week has increased 5-fold since June, largely as a result of poor sanitation and over-crowding. Project Update - 18 Nov 2015
Haydan streets and buildings destroyed by airstrikes.

“The air raids continued with 10 to 15 almost every day”

A Saudi-led coalition airstrike destroyed the hospital in Haydan that MSF supports. Programme coordinator Miriam Czech told us what she saw in the town in the days following the bombing. She added that the whole region is being targeted by the coalition airstrikes. Voices from the Field - 13 Nov 2015
Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) Colony 3. Donetsk Ukraine

Termination of MSF support to MDR-TB programme in the penitentiary system after accreditation was cancelled on 19 October

The decision of the Humanitarian Committee of the self-proclaimed DPR authorities is leaving 146 patients without life-saving MDR-TB treatment and under those conditions MSF can no longer commit to resume activities in the penitentiary facility Colony 3 where the organization had been working since 2011. Project Update - 13 Nov 2015

Living beneath the bombs in Haydan

The MSF-supported hospital in Haydan was struck and destroyed by airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition during the night of the 26-27 October. "Before the destruction of the hospital it was a very busy place with delivery – you know, a lot of kids were born in this hospital, " says Yann Geay. Project Update - 13 Nov 2015
Cameroon- Medical care for people fleeing Boko Haram conflict
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Challenges in Responding to Massive Displacements in Resource-poor Settings

MSF's Research Unit on Humanitarian Stakes and Practices (UREPH) is pleased to announce the publication of the e-letter "Challenges in Responding to Massive Displacements in Resource-poor Settings: The Case of Central African Republic Refugees in Eastern Cameroon" by Caroline Abu Sa'Da and Christine Jamet, written in response to the briefing by Welz "Crisis in the Central African Republic and the international response", published in African Affairs (2014, Vol. 113, No. 453, pp. 601-610). Journal article - 12 Nov 2015
Phoenix rescue 02 Sept 2015
Mediterranean migration

Provide Safe Passage

Testimonials from refugees rescued by MSF Search and Rescue operations. People need safe and legal ways to seek asylum and migrate.
Photo Story - 12 Nov 2015
Violence victims in Hôpital Général week 44
Central African Republic

MSF reinforces medical activities in Bangui following more than a month of renewed violence

MSF runs mobile clinics in five sites for internally displaced people, and offers more than 1,000 consultations per week Project Update - 12 Nov 2015
Bus ad outside of Pfizer

MSF launches global action against Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline to cut the price of the pneumonia vaccine

MSF launched a global petition on 12 November 2015, World Pneumonia Day, calling on pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to reduce the price of the pneumonia vaccine to US$5 per child (for all three doses) in all developing countries and for humanitarian organisations. Press Release - 12 Nov 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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