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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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The fear that follows them. Providing mental healthcare for refugees

“Through our sessions, MSF psychologists listen and try to normalise the reactions of the refugees,” explains Aurelia Morabito, a psychologist who has been working for MSF in Lake Chad for the last two months. “We know that we cannot make the suffering go away, but we can help people to deal better with their unbearable reactions.” From the beginning of its response to this crisis in Chad in March this year, MSF saw an immediate need to incorporate psychological care into its medical activities. Project Update - 27 Aug 2015
Refugee children of Kos
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Refugees in Kos stuck in appalling conditions

Between January and July this year, 18,600 refugees arrived on the Greek island Kos by boat from Turkey. The majority are fleeing war and violence in Syria, but many also come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan. Project Update - 26 Aug 2015
Intensive Care training, Al Shifa hospital, Gaza.

Delivering training to healthcare workers stuck in Gaza

“The nurses were really enthusiastic, they were very grateful to have the opportunity to develop their intensive care skills," says Rochelle DeLacey, an MSF intensive care nurse working in Gaza." Their only other option really was to Google ‘intensive care’ because they don’t have any other access to training.” Voices from the Field - 26 Aug 2015
South Sudan

Two MSF aid workers killed as fighting continues in Unity state

"The situation is desperate. Ongoing attacks, killings and sexual violence against civilians by any armed actor in Unity state must stop,” says Tara Newell, MSF's Emergency Manager. “People displaced from their homes and villages should be able to move safely to seek assistance, wherever it is being provided.” Press Release - 25 Aug 2015
Spokespeople 2013 - Futur FieldCo, MedCo and HoM

“We treat anyone who is injured, whatever their politics.”

"Wounded patients often fear for their safety in medical facilities, so it is essential to create a place of sanctuary for them, where there is no discrimination," says Bruno Duchenne, MSF Head of Mission in Burundi. "We treat anyone who is injured, whatever their politics." Voices from the Field - 25 Aug 2015

MSF treats patients with symptoms of exposure to chemical agents

"The patients’ clinical symptoms, the way these symptoms changed over time, and the patients’ testimony about the circumstances of the poisoning all point to exposure to a chemical agent,” Pablo Marco, MSF’s programme manager in Syria. Press Release - 25 Aug 2015
MSF Boat Ambulances in Old Fangak
South Sudan

Boat ambulance reaches patients in remote communities into northern Jonglei State

“The ambulance boat is important,” says Mut, an MSF staff working in South Sudan, as it approaches the Old Fangak shoreline. “Before this system, people used to die because there was no transportation to the hospital.” (...)“We are lucky here to have access to healthcare.” Voices from the Field - 25 Aug 2015

MSF receives 10 people with wounds from Macedonian stun grenades

"The violence used by the FYROM authorities against these harmless and vulnerable people is outrageous and should immediately stop” said Aurelie Ponthieu, MSF’s Humanitarian Advisor on Displacement. “The shocking scenes today are a result of extreme measures to prevent desperate people fleeing violence and war from crossing borders. But closing borders and using violence is not a solution, it is just provoking a humanitarian crisis on the other side." Project Update - 21 Aug 2015

At least 65 civilians killed in coalition airstrikes and heavy fighting in Taiz

“At least 65 civilians in the province of Taiz, Yemen have been killed in Saudi led air strikes today, including 17 people from one family,” says Salah Dongu’du, MSF's Project Coordinator, about the current situation in Taiz, Yemen. “The deaths occurred when the strikes hit civilian homes in the area. Those who survived the bombings are searching through the rubble with their bare hands in the hope of finding survivors, as well as the bodies of victims of the attack. Many others are believed to have been injured or killed in the past week in air strikes, shelling and fighting in densely populated areas." Statement - 21 Aug 2015
South Sudan

Dramatic influx of displaced people threatens medical crisis at PoC camp

“Many people arriving in the Malakal camp have been displaced for weeks or months already with extremely limited access to food and medical care,” says Victor Escobar, MSF project Coordinator in Malakal. “These already-vulnerable people urgently need a sanitary space to live and access to medical care. Otherwise, their health will continue to suffer.” Project Update - 21 Aug 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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