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Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF has vaccinated over 287,000 children against measles in four provinces

“This is the most serious epidemic Katanga has seen since 2011. We are adapting our current activities, and drawing on our experience from 2011. In one year, we have vaccinated almost 1.5 million children and treated more than 50,000 cases in 31 of the 68 health zones in Katanga Province,” explains Jean-Guy Vataux, MSF Head of Mission in DRC. “But people have difficulty accessing treatment, and it is also likely that cases are under-reported, so the current epidemics may well be more serious than they appear. It is important to act as quickly as possible, so that we don’t end up in the same situation as in 2011, or an even more serious one.” Project Update - 3 Aug 2015
Yemen: Emergency surgical Unit in Aden

The Steady Bleed: MSF Briefs on the Collapse of Healthcare in War-torn Yemen

Report on the effect war and lack of access to healthcare is having on Yemeni civilians. Report - 1 Aug 2015

28,500 children vaccinated against measles

More than 28,500 children between six months and five years old have been vaccinated against measles by the country’s Ministry of Health and MSF. Project Update - 31 Jul 2015
MSF Ebola Vaccine Clinical Trial
Haemorrhagic fevers

Getting closer to an Ebola vaccine

"The current data basically tells us that the vaccine works to protect people against Ebola. Even if the sample size is quite small and more research and analysis is needed, the enormity of the public health emergency should lead us to continue using this vaccine right now to protect those who might get exposed to the disease: contacts of infected patients and frontline workers," says Bertrand Draguez, MSF Medical Director. " But it is also of crucial importance to keep working on all the pillars of an Ebola response including contact tracing, health promotion and isolation of infected patients." Voices from the Field - 31 Jul 2015
Amran Refugee Camp

Gallery: Devastation in Yemen – Sa'ada, Amran, Sana'a, June 2015

Scenes from the conflict in Yemen, including the MSF-supported Ministry of Health hospital in Sa'ada City, damage from the aerial bombing campaign in Sana'a, and refugees in Amran. Photo Story - 31 Jul 2015
South Sudan

Activity Update June 2015

MSF is particularly concerned about the effects of fighting in Upper Nile State. Humanitarian needs are growing, but aid organisations are finding it increasingly difficult to access the most severely affected areas, such as Wau Shilluk and Noon. Insecurity has also restricted MSF’s work in Malakal and Melut through June and July. Crisis Update - 31 Jul 2015

130,000 refugees vaccinated against cholera in the overcrowded Nyarugusu camp

A cholera vaccination campaign to protect Burundian and Congolese refugees in the overflowing Nyarugusu camp in Tanzania has been completed this week. However, with people still living in very precarious conditions, there is a parallel urgent need to improve the sanitary situation in the camp. Press Release - 30 Jul 2015
Acapulco Sexual Violence

Acapulco's population is exposed to violence on a daily basis

“The population is exposed to violence on a daily basis” says María Simón, coordinator of the MSF project in Acapulco. "The challenges we face are many, but without a doubt the main ones are to finish establishing a strong community strategy based on acceptance that allows us to continue to get closer to the population and to develop security strategies that are adapted to contexts of urban violence which are not comparable to those MSF normally faces in armed conflict scenarios."
Voices from the Field - 29 Jul 2015

War Crimes and Severe Shortages

"We fear that the coalition-led offensives seeking to regain territory from the Houthis will ... inflict yet more violence on civilians caught between the warring parties and expose them to armed reprisals," says Dr Mégo Terzian, President of MSF France. "We also fear that those countries who support the coalition in its quest 'to liberate' Yemen ... will view such violence as acceptable collateral damage." Opinion - 29 Jul 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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