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Pamat, Northern Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan, where MSF provides medical services
South Sudan

Access to antimalarial treatments must be increased in the west of the country

Conflict has diverted attention from healthcare, leading to an increase in severe malaria cases. Press Release - 6 Nov 2014
MSF protection kits distribution in West Point, Monrovia

Distributing home disinfection kits in West Point suburb

Join an MSF team as it distributes 1,000 family protection and home disinfection kits in West Point, one of the Liberian capital’s slums. Project Update - 5 Nov 2014
Gueckedou, Guinea - Ebola
Haemorrhagic fevers

Psychosocial support essential to responding to epidemic in Guéckédou, Guinea

In the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Ebola case management centre (CMC) in Guéckédou, Guinea, a team of seven provides psychosocial support to the people and communities affected by Ebola. It is a difficult but indispensable task in responding to the epidemic Project Update - 4 Nov 2014

Outbreak of cholera in Borno State

An epidemic of cholera broke out in Borno State in the northeast of Nigeria at the end of September. Already operating in this remote state that is difficult to get to and where the provision of healthcare is extremely limited, MSF is now responding to this latest epidemic. There have been 4,500 cases and 70 deaths from cholera in barely a month in Borno State’s capital and principal town Maiduguri and the number of cases continues to rise. Project Update - 3 Nov 2014
Bangui, General Hospital, VVS
Central African Republic

Confronting the painful taboo of rape

MSF has offered assistance and support to rape victims in Bangui since July 2014. Project Update - 31 Oct 2014
Occupied Minds

Occupied Minds: a Bedouin mother tells her story

There are about 50 members from the same Bedouin family who live in a small area located at the end of Anata, in the east of Jerusalem. The area is rocky, with small flat areas where the tents where they live are installed. Each family usually has between 35 and 60 sheep, which they take every morning to graze the short grass growing between the rocks. This is a hot spot as the community is caught in the middle of crossfire from both sides: the Palestinian youths throw stones and the Israeli army fire bullets and tear gas. The bullets and stones fall on this area. Voices from the Field - 31 Oct 2014
Bedouin village in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Tensions rise in Bedouin communities

Tents and shacks are being demolished by Israeli officials in an attempt to force 2,500 Bedouins off their land. Project Update - 31 Oct 2014
Haemorrhagic fevers

Ebola Crisis update - 30th October 2014

The outbreak has claimed 4,919 lives, and is currently affecting four countries in West Africa: Mali, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Crisis Update - 31 Oct 2014
Monrovia, distribution of anti-malaria treatment
Haemorrhagic fevers

Ebola in Liberia – Malaria must be treated too

Ebola has made it nearly impossible to obtain malaria treatment. In response, MSF has begun distributing antimalarials in Monrovia. Press Release - 31 Oct 2014
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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