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Al-Salam Hospital, Khamer, Yemen

Medical aid under threat

Al-Salam Hospital in Khamer, Amran governorate, where MSF operates. Project Update - 5 Aug 2013

MSF treats wounded in Tissi after renewed clashes in Darfur

MSF is responding to a fresh wave of violence that has broken out in some areas of Sudan’s Darfur region along the border with Chad. Project Update - 1 Aug 2013
Yemen - Sana'a detention center

Hundreds of migrants await repatriation in Sana’a

Yemen is a country of transit for the thousands of migrants who leave the Horn of Africa to try to get to the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, mainly from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia. During the trip and especially in Yemen, these people are victims of traffickers who extort money from them and torture them. Project Update - 31 Jul 2013
Attacks on medical care

Medical Care Under Fire - Interview with Francoise Duroch

Watch Francoise Duroch of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) describe how conflict and violence disrupt healthcare and how medical workers find themselves the direct targets of violence. Interview - 30 Jul 2013
Emergency intervention in the Transit camp of Bubukwanga

MSF provides emergency assistance to Congolese refugees

Ruben Pottier, MSF's head of mission in Kampala, Uganda provides an update on MSF's work in a transit camp near Bundibugyo, where 20,000 people are staying, and along the border, where refugees have settled. Interview - 29 Jul 2013

Syrian Exodus: The Syrian exodus reaches Athens

After more than two years of war, Syrians make up the largest group of migrants arriving in Greece Project Update - 28 Jul 2013
Syrian Exodus

Syrian Exodus: Syrians torn between East and West

Third chapter of the Syrian Exodus, an MSF multimedia project to follow the route of the Syrians fleeing the war Project Update - 27 Jul 2013

Falling through the cracks

MSF offers targeted health services for sex workers in Malawi Project Update - 26 Jul 2013
Syrian Exodus

Syrian Exodus: Carrying the weight of the war

Syrian refugees in neighbouring Turkey may have evaded the guns and missiles, but there is no escape from the physical and emotional scars of the conflict Project Update - 26 Jul 2013
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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