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Refugees stranded in desert

Some 70,000 refugees from Mali are living in difficult conditions in the middle of the Mauritanian desert, with ethnic tensions in northern Mali quashing any hopes of a swift return home. A report released today by MSF entitled 'Stranded in the desert' calls on aid organisations to urgently renew efforts to meet the refugees’ basic needs. Press Release - 13 Apr 2013
Access to medicines

Patent Opposition Database

Patents prevent the open competition that could drive prices down to lower, affordable levels. Campaign - 11 Apr 2013
Tissi, Darfur refugees crossed the border

More than 10 000 refugees arrived in Tissi

Project Update - 11 Apr 2013
Bangui, hospital communautaire, emergency operation
Central African Republic

Lootings and armed theft against humanitarian response

MSF, targeted by armed groups, calls on the new government to take responsibility and restore order in the Central African Republic. Many people remain without medical care due to the evacuation of humanitarian teams. Press Release - 10 Apr 2013
Iraq - Syrian refugees in Domeez camp

Growing number of Syrian refugees in Domeez

The registered number of refugees gathering at the Domeez camp, near the city of Dohuk in the Kurdish region of Iraq, is increasing daily. While 700 to 1,000 newcomers are registering every day the services provided in the camp remain insufficient to cope with mounting needs. Project Update - 10 Apr 2013
Activists from across Europe stage flashmob in front of the European Parliament
Project Update

EU-India free trade deal puts millions of lives at risk

Activists from across Europe stage flashmob in front of the European Parliament calling on Europe to drop harmful provisions. Press Release - 9 Apr 2013
Bangui, patients at Community hospital
Central African Republic

The situation stabilises but remains tense

Ten days after the takeover of Bangui by the opposition group Seleka, life in the capital is gradually returning to normal. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) continues its medical activities and strengthens its teams across the country. Project Update - 4 Apr 2013

Deadly clashes in Timbuktu

Project Update - 4 Apr 2013
Palestinian Authority, Chris Huby, sept 2011

The fight against hopelessness

Since the Israeli army first occupied the West Bank in 1967, there has been a massive military presence in the area. A complex system has been developed to keep the local population under control, which extends far beyond the wall separating the West Bank from neighboring Israel. Project Update - 3 Apr 2013
Project Update

MSF condemns abduction of staff

Statement - 3 Apr 2013
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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