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Syria, MSF managed to enter Idlib Governorate, end of march 2012

Destitute civilians suffer intense bombing in Idlib governorate

In the north of Syria’s Idlib governorate, civilians are being made victims of a terror strategy carried out through intense and indiscriminate bombing, MSF said today. As fighting intensifies north of the road linking Aleppo and Idlib, government forces are bombing towns and villages indiscriminately. An MSF team has just returned from a village in the north of Idlib governorate that has been repeatedly bombed over recent months. Press Release - 10 Jan 2013

Alarming malnutrition and mortality among malian refugees

Voices from the Field - 9 Jan 2013
Refugees in Upper Nile State South Sudan
South Sudan

We did not want to leave but we could not stay

Sudanese refugees have begun crossing the border into South Sudan again Voices from the Field - 7 Jan 2013
MSF maternity hospital in eastern Khost province, Afghanistan

MSF reopens Khost maternity hospital

Project Update - 2 Jan 2013

Operating at our own risk in Somalia

A year after one of the “worst famines”1 Somalia has ever known, the attention of the international community has turned elsewhere. While the food and nutrition situation is slowly improving, it remains fragile: according to the United Nations' Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit, one in five children are acutely malnourished, and more than two million people are still facing acute food insecurity. Project Update - 2 Jan 2013
Response to Typhoon Bopha, Philippines

MSF team runs mobile clinics following typhoon

After Typhoon Bopha devastated coastal parts of Mindanao island in the Philippines earlier this month, MSF has dispatched two teams to run mobile clinics to provide basic healthcare, monitor for outbreaks of disease and support recovery efforts. Project Update - 31 Dec 2012
MDR-TB in Mathare, Nairobi

Bedaquiline: First new tuberculosis drug in 50 years

MSF welcomed the approval by the US Food and Drug Administration of bedaquiline, the first new drug active against tuberculosis (TB) to be registered since 1963. The drug is active against drug-resistant forms of the disease, making it a potential game-changer for TB treatment. Press Release - 31 Dec 2012

Dadaab: A new influx of refugees will worsen already dire situation

MSF is deeply concerned about the medical consequences following recent public statements from Kenyan authorities exhorting thousands of Somali refugees in Kenya to leave urban areas and go to remote and already saturated camps. Any potential influx of new arrivals will put further pressure on the existing precarious situation. Statement - 28 Dec 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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