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Malnutrition and measles vaccination in Mogadishu

Steep increase in measles cases

Measles is a major killer in Somalia and it’s easily preventable. Vaccination - with high coverage and proper vaccine management - is critical to saving lives in Somalia. MSF asks all authorities to support emergency vaccination programmes throughout Somalia. Project Update - 8 Jun 2012
Democratic Republic of Congo

Repercussions of the conflict in Kivu

The population of the Kivu provinces in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo is fighting an incessant war of survival, not only against the bullets flying in the latest peak of this long-running conflict but also against the vacuum of infrastructure and health resources. Since April 2012, MSF has treated over 200 people wounded due to clashes between armed groups. Project Update - 6 Jun 2012

HIV patients should not bear financial burden of donor retreat

In Zimbabwe, there are at least 66,000 people living with HIV who face the prospect of losing their current access to lifesaving antiretroviral (ARV) treatment because of a dangerous shortfall of international funding for local treatment programmes. MSF urges donors to make sufficient funding available for free and effective HIV treatment to all who need it. Project Update - 6 Jun 2012

The risks of childbirth

MSF expanded its medical services in Galkayo North in December 2011 by adding maternity and obstetric care. The number of deliveries has since boomed to about 200 per month, many coming from increasingly far away. Project Update - 6 Jun 2012
South Sudan

Nowhere to settle for 30,000 new refugees

MSF calls on the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) to identify a suitable place of refuge immediately for the 30,000 new refugees who have crossed the border from Sudan’s Blue Nile State into South Sudan’s Upper Nile State over the past two weeks. Around 2,000 people are crossing the border daily, in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Press Release - 4 Jun 2012

Documentary 'Confronting trauma' looks at MSF's mental health programme in Hebron

MSF is running a programme in Hebron that aims to alleviate the suffering of victims of violence, offering psychological and social support as well as medical care.
The web documentary Confronting Trauma: MSF’s Mental Health Project in Hebron gives an overview of the situation and explains how MSF responds to the needs of residents.
Project Update - 1 Jun 2012

MSF vaccinates 117,000 people against cholera

MSF has vaccinated 117,000 people against cholera in the region of Boffa, 150 km north of Conakry, the Guinean capital. This is the first time that people in Africa have been protected during a cholera outbreak by a two-dose oral vaccine. Press Release - 1 Jun 2012
Ethiopia, Somali Crisis, Liben region, December 2012

International Financial Report 2011

Annual Report - 30 May 2012

Crisis far from over

Although media attention has faded, Somalia remains in the grip of a major humanitarian crisis. This is strikingly clear from the reports of the patients and staff of MSF. They continue daily battles to save lives in areas where violence, disease and malnutrition continue to threaten the lives and well-being of tens of thousands. Project Update - 25 May 2012

Project for Somali refugees in Ethiopia handed over

MSF has handed over one of its largest projects for Somali refugees in Ethiopia. The number of refugees crossing the border has significantly gone down since the large humanitarian crisis of 2011. MSF initiated the project in the Hiloweyn camp, one of the five refugee camps near to the border between Ethiopia and Somalia, in August 2011, at the height of the crisis. Project Update - 24 May 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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