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Syria - Two months of surgical interventions

Two months of operations

MSF has been working in Syria for the past two months, trying to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by the conflict. With the help of a group of Syrian doctors, a team was able to turn an empty house into an emergency hospital in six days. As of mid-August, MSF has admitted more than 300 patients to this facility and surgeons have carried out 150 operations. Project Update - 21 Aug 2012
Syria - Two months of surgical interventions

'We're getting good results despite the difficulties'

Brian Moller is an anaesthetic nurse. He has been working with MSF for nine years and is today an emergency coordinator. This July, Brian managed the surgical hospital set up by MSF in Syria. Voices from the Field - 21 Aug 2012
Syria - Two months of surgical interventions

'Injured people started coming from everywhere'

Surgical specialist Anna Nowak has completed more than 20 missions with MSF. She has just returned from Syria, where she helped to set up the project. Voices from the Field - 21 Aug 2012
Cholera Outbreak Guinea 2012

Cholera epidemic escalates

Cholera is on the rise on both sides of the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea. More than 13,000 people have been admitted to hospital in the capital cities of Freetown and Conakry since February. MSF is opening additional rehydration points and cholera treatment centres, in collaboration with local authorities, and currently has more than 800 beds available to treat cholera patients. Project Update - 20 Aug 2012
Yida, Refugee Camp
South Sudan

Health catastrophe continues in refugee camps

Many of the refugees from Sudan’s Blue Nile State who have fled to Maban County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State had family members who could not complete the journey and died before they reached Batil camp. In some cases, they said their relatives died because they were “tired of walking,” which illustrates the weakened, vulnerable state in which much of this population arrived at the camp. Project Update - 18 Aug 2012
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF resumes medical activities in Walikale

MSF has resumed its medical activities in Walikale, four weeks after heavy fighting in the town forced the organisation to stop working. Press Release - 17 Aug 2012
Central African Republic

Pressing health needs in the country

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a country largely forgotten by the world and to a large extent neglected by the international humanitarian community. Surrounded by Sudan, Chad and Congo where more high-profile crises are taking place, CAR’s dire and desperate health situation – in which few people have access to health care and many die of easily treatable diseases – has received little attention and even less assistance. Project Update - 17 Aug 2012

Syrians in need of continuous support

As the crisis in Syria intensifies, humanitarian needs are increasing. Medical assistance within Syria is limited, and aid from international organisations has been severely restricted. In neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, MSF has strengthened its response to the refugees who are crossing the Syrian borders. Project Update - 14 Aug 2012

'We will set up as many tents as needed to treat children in need'

MSF is working in Madaoua, a small town in the centre of Niger, to prevent and treat child malnutrition. MSF supports several health centres in the district where outpatient treatment to children suffering from severe acute malnutrition is offered and works in the Madaoua hospital where malnourished children suffering from complications are admitted. Pascual Caballero, an MSF paediatrician working in Madaoua, talks about this experience. Voices from the Field - 13 Aug 2012

Making progress on Ebola response

The response to the Ebola epidemic that broke out at the end of July in Western Uganda is moving forward. In approximately one week, the MSF emergency team has set up an Ebola treatment centre, isolated the patients that have contracted the virus from suspected cases and implemented a protection system for the health staff. Project Update - 10 Aug 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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