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'Almost all of the hospitals' in Tripoli 'are receiving wounded'

Speaking from Tripoli, Jonathan Whittall, MSF head of mission in Libya, describes the situation on the ground. Voices from the Field - 25 Aug 2011

Expanding activities despite significant obstacles

For the past few weeks Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Somalia have been trying to expand their operations despite ongoing violence in the capital and other restrictions. As the number of malnourished children continues to rise, it is clear that more assistance is necessary for the already vulnerable Somali population, which has had virtually no access to healthcare for the past two decades. Project Update - 23 Aug 2011
South Sudan

MSF condemns large scale attacks on civilians

Hundreds of deaths reported; MSF facilities burned and looted. Press Release - 23 Aug 2011

Towards Lab-Free Tuberculosis Diagnosis

TB causes around two million deaths per annum. These deaths are in part due to late or missed diagnosis. This report provides an overview of the current state of science and research on TB diagnostics, as well as an assessment of resources such as specimen banks available for TB diagnostics research. Report - 22 Aug 2011

MSF to expand medical response in western Libya

MSF is preparing to expand its medical response in western Libya to meet urgent humanitarian needs. Press Release - 22 Aug 2011

Treating all victims of the war

MSF continues to support medical facilities, assist and train health staff and provide mental health care in Misrata. Today, the MSF team is made up of 44 Libyan staff and 30 international staff. Project Update - 18 Aug 2011

MSF rapidly scaling up its activities in Mogadishu

This past week, MSF sent medical teams and four charter planes carrying 55 tons of medical equipment, medicines and therapeutic food to Mogadishu in response to the crisis in Somalia. Press Release - 12 Aug 2011

MSF continues its emergency operations

Although the situation in Yemen has calmed somewhat since June, it is still marked by instability and the lack of access to care in some areas. Caroline Séguin, MSF's medical coordinator in Sanaa, and Teresa Sancristoval, MSF operational manager, describe the current situation. Voices from the Field - 11 Aug 2011

Another tragedy in Italian seas after escape from Libyan war to Lampedusa

"Each new boat, each tragic refugee death is a stark reminder of the war across the sea," declared Francesca Zuccaro, MSF Head of Mission in Italy. “These people risk their lives to seek refuge on European shore.” Project Update - 8 Aug 2011
South Sudan

In Aweil hospital, South Sudan, focused on the most at risk

In the world’s newest country, three out of four people have no access to basic health care. Project Update - 4 Aug 2011
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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