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Eye surgery camp with 'Right To Sight' returns vision to hundreds in Galcayo, Somalia

The impact on lives is devastating, especially in a country where many people face a daily struggle to survive. Eye surgery can have a huge impact on the lives of patients, improving their ability to live a dignified and healthy life. Project Update - 25 May 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo

Many challenges still remain in North East DRC

The areas of Haut-Uélé and Bas-Uélé in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been prey to violence and armed conflict since late 2008. Pierre Kernen, who coordinated MSF's activities in Niangara between August 2009 and April 2010, describes the situation for the populations in the region and the challenges to humanitarian aid. Voices from the Field - 20 May 2010

Time passes, medical needs persist and just a few months to hurricane season

In a country where 60 percent of the medical facilities suffered serious damage or were destroyed, MSF is working to meet second-line medical needs by managing or supporting hospitals and specialised medical facilities. Project Update - 20 May 2010
Neglected diseases

MSF and DNDi call for a more rounded resolution on Chagas disease

The resolution, 'Chagas Disease: Control and Elimination', to be adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), is a step in the right direction but should not focus only on prevention. Project Update - 17 May 2010
South Africa

MSF calls attention to continuing dangers faced by survival migrants and refugees in South Africa

"What has changed for our patients in the last year? Very little. They are still risking their lives when they cross the border, raped in shocking numbers by gangs, and then facing uncertainty about their status in the country. Many go on to a life in Johannesburg that continues to endanger their health," says Mickael Le Paih, head of mission for MSF in South Africa. Press Release - 12 May 2010

With violent clash in Somalia, MSF calls for respect of the neutrality of medical facilities

"We have been able to work in Somalia for the last 19 years because we do not take sides in any conflict," explained Head of Mission David Querol, "We are committed to assisting the Somali people, but can only do so if the medical structures where we work and our staff are respected." Press Release - 10 May 2010

Lead poisoning continues to affect hundreds of children in northwestern Nigeria

Earlier this year, cases of lead poisoning in children and adults were confirmed in five villages in Zamfara state, northwestern Nigeria. Since early June, MSF, in collaboration with Ministry of Health, has been providing emergency treatment for children under five years of age and breast feeding mothers, as they are the most vulnerable group to be affected by the poisoning. Project Update - 10 May 2010

Victory for access to medicines as valganciclovir patent is rejected in India

Through this decision, the Indian Patent Office has also confirmed the right of patients groups to oppose a patent after it has been granted, a matter on which Roche claimed there was ambiguity. This follows a similar recognition in 2002 in Thailand of patients as 'persons interested' in the outcome of a patent application. Press Release - 6 May 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo

In Ituri, DRC, several thousand isolated civilians are once again caught in the trap of conflict

Population movements intensified gradually over the following days in the hope of escape. The community leader in Walendu Bindi and MSF (the only humanitarian organization present at this time) jointly conducted negotiations with the military heads of both opposing parties appealing to allow civilians to exit safely from the crossfire zone. Project Update - 4 May 2010
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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