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7467 Results

Displaced people forced to flee again in region gripped by sharp rise in violence

Interview with Filipe Ribeiro, the French section's head of mission in Chad.
MSF is concerned about the fate of 5,000 displaced Chadians who fled an attack on the Koloye site, in the eastern part of the country, and have disappeared in the area even as violence expands in the region. That number included 37 MSF employees. We had no information about them. We have since learned that some of displaced persons fled to Adé and Kumu, two villages further north, accompanied by the populations of neighboring villages. We still have no information on four of the 37 members of our team.
Voices from the Field - 22 Nov 2006

Thousands displaced after fresh violence hits villages in southeast Chad

The attacks took place relatively deep inside Chad, about 80 km (50 miles) from the border with Sudan. Project Update - 21 Nov 2006
South Africa

Mass measles vaccinations are effective at early signs of outbreak

"Sadly, the fact that the WHO does not promote vaccination campaigns during an epidemic only hinders an effective emergency response," said Rebecca Grais, an epidemiologist who helped lead the MSF/Epicentre study. Press Release - 16 Nov 2006
Sleeping sickness

New study shows potential for shorter and safer sleeping sickness treatment

Toxic treatments with older drugs should be phased out. Press Release - 16 Nov 2006
Access to medicines

Five years after DOHA, drug prices are on the rise

Countries must make more use of TRIPS flexibilities Press Release - 14 Nov 2006

A crisis of human suffering

The situation has certainly changed since I was in Darfur over two years ago... Today MSF has had to reduce its activities due to intensified fighting and mounting insecurity throughout Darfur.
An interview with MSF International Council President, Dr. Rowan Gillies.
Project Update - 14 Nov 2006
South Sudan

MSF provides assistance to 50,000 newly displaced in south Darfur

When MSF's mobile teams were able to move around, they found civilians shot and beaten, villages largely burned to the ground, water points damaged beyond repair, food stocks destroyed, and despair over suddenly shattered lives and communities. Project Update - 12 Nov 2006
Neglected diseases

Kala azar kills thousands each year

MSF has tested a new rapid diagnostic tool: a dipstick that reacts with antibodies against the kala-azar parasite found in a drop of a patient's blood. The test has been found to give a correct, positive outcome in 90 percent of infected patients. The dipstick is specially designed for use in areas lacking laboratories or hospitals. Project Update - 10 Nov 2006
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF providing care to cholera outbreak victims in two health centres in Katanga province

"The fast response of teams in situ has been crucial for the quite low mortality rate in the outbreak (in our health structures)," said Dr. Silvia Morote. Project Update - 9 Nov 2006

Global Fund and Guatemalan government urged to commit resources to ensure broader HIV/AIDS treatment and lower drug prices

The Global Fund should encourage Guatemala and other middle-income countries to take advantage of World Trade Organization mechanisms, as defined in the 2001 Doha Declaration, to purchase the most effective medicines at the best prices. Press Release - 3 Nov 2006
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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