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The world needs to know what is going on - portrait of a Rwandan seeking refuge

"Speaking to you is dangerous for me, it could reveal my identity and I'm very afraid that people will do that. But the world needs to know what is going on in Rwanda." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

Sheer fear forces Rwandans to take flight

Whether they are guilty or innocent cannot be decided by MSF. The Rwandans have told stories of being sentenced to dig up bodies and wash bones. They also describe attacks, disappearances, arrests, being held in prison without official papers and being told that "the country belongs to the Tutsis." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

Portrait of a Rwandan seeking refuge

Then they told me that they had shot [my husband] while he was trying to escape: he was dead. They gave me his clothes, but there was no trace of blood or bullet holes. When I asked them to let me see his body, they beat me." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

A health clinic where thousands of Rwandans seek refugee in Burundi

"The days are too short here," Carole sighs. "Illnesses, wounds, transfers, deaths and births, it all takes place right here." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

A day in a refugee camp clinic in Burundi

The clinic described here is located in the Musasa camp in Burundi. Approximately 15,000 Rwandans who fled their country are now staying in the camp. Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

MSF team frustrated about closed doors in China

No authorisation to open project for HIV-positive people in Henan province Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

Over 10,000 people flee violence in Chad

"The first attack was the worst, there were over a hundred of them," said a 25-year-old woman from the village of Um Ladja in Chad. "They scared everyone and rounded us up. They took everything and killed anyone who was in the way." Press Release - 16 Jun 2006

Malnutrition on the rise in south-central Somalia

MSF has now admitted more than 600 patients since the beginning of 2006, ten times more than last year for the same period. Project Update - 14 Jun 2006
Papua New Guinea

Papua hit by simultaneous epidemics

MSF emergency teams fight disease outbreaks in two regions. Papua's health status is the lowest in Indonesia. Limited access to health facilities, lack of health education and poor sanitation leave large parts of the population vulnerable to outbreaks of disease. Project Update - 8 Jun 2006
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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