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7621 Results

Darfur staff interview: 'I can still see them standing there, waiting'

"It's happening to people who have lived in the village for years. They are being shot at, attacked, chased away. Now they're concentrating on surviving in the place they've been brought to and from which they can't leave." Interview - 1 Mar 2007

MSF study shows good outcomes for second-line AIDS treatment in resource-poor settings

But access to needed newer medicines remains an alarming problem. Regimens that consist of newer medicines can cost between 10 and 50 times more than today's standard first-line therapy. Beyond price, many newer medicines are marketed under monopoly-like conditions, as was the case for first-line drugs in the late 1990s. Press Release - 1 Mar 2007

'Maybe there is just too much real grief here'

A letter from MSF medical doctor Joe Jacob.
"I am writing from a town called Muhajariya, population 36,000, a significant proportion of whom are displaced refugees within their own country. Here we run a clinic where we are the only medical and surgical referral centre in this region, attending to the needs of a wider population of 200,000 people. Life is far from easy here, but the happiness and sheer enjoyment of living today that envelopes and dissipates the ever-present fear here, would certainly make you think otherwise."
Voices from the Field - 1 Mar 2007
Democratic Republic of Congo

Offering free health care in a neglected region of the DRC

By taking over the hospital in Lubutu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Médecins Sans Frontières aims to fight mortality in an area hit by a catastrophic health crisis. Project Update - 26 Feb 2007
Republic of Congo

Cholera intervention focuses on coastal city in Congo-Brazzaville

Since January, MSF has sent two cholera kits (one for Pointe Noire and one for Brazzaville) as well as 14,000 litres of fluids to Pointe Noire. The MSF cholera kit contains 4,000 litres of drips, antibiotics, plasticized cover sheets, soap, disinfectant and chlorine as well as gloves for the nursing staff. Each kit can treat up to 625 patients. Project Update - 22 Feb 2007

Flood waters in Mozambique displace 120,000 people

MSF has decided to concentrate its operations in the south of the Mutarara district, in the area of Inhangoma, just between the two provinces of Sofala and Zambezia and in the Mopeia and Chinde districts, in the south of Zambezia province. Project Update - 22 Feb 2007
Central African Republic

A Pandora's box to malnutrition, epidemics and illness opens in the Central African Republic

In August 2006, MSF started working in Ouham region in northern CAR. MSF teams provide primary and secondary healthcare in and around Kabo and Batangafo. Alfonso Verdú Pérez is Head of Mission for MSF projects in Ouham region.
Listen to an MSF report on CAR civilians who have fled from the violence
Project Update - 20 Feb 2007
Access to medicines

Former Swiss president joins call for Novartis to drop its case in India

Former President of the Swiss Confederation Ruth Dreifuss voiced her concern today about the impact Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis' legal challenge against the Indian government could have on access to essential medicines across the globe. Project Update - 16 Feb 2007

Church leaders call on Novartis to drop legal case in India

The decision in this case will affect access to thousands of other medicines in India, including anti-retroviral (ARV) medicines to treat HIV. Generic manufacture of older, first-line ARVs has made prices affordable, but as resistance and adverse reactions develop there is a great need for access to newer second-line drugs that are still very expensive.
click here
Project Update - 16 Feb 2007
Access to Healthcare

INVISIBLES: A film with five stories about forgotten crises

The INVISIBLES are those we do not want to see, but who end up appearing inside our fears and our unease, among other things, because they never stop existing. Project Update - 16 Feb 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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