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MSF Head of Mission in Dagestan remains missing after 100 days - efforts by authorities fail to secure release

100 days have passed since Arjan Erkel, Head of mission of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Dagestan, a Russian republic neighbouring Chechnya, was abducted by unidentified gunmen in Makhachkala. Despite efforts by the Russian authorities to secure his release, Arjan remains missing. Press Release - 20 Nov 2002
Democratic Republic of Congo

Ten years of conflict, violence and human suffering

Report - 19 Nov 2002
Access to medicines

Access Campaign accomplishments 1999-2002

There has been a collection of high quality posters designed specifically for the Access Campaign in the MSF offices worldwide over the past three years. This collection shows some of the range for the posters. Project Update - 18 Nov 2002

Preparing for the winter, MSF ships 600 tonnes of food to Afghanistan

Poor harvests and drought, along with high returning numbers, has left a large population dependent on international food aid. Along with the lack of food, housing, health care and hygeine are also problems being faced. Project Update - 18 Nov 2002
South Sudan

In South Sudan, rains and MSF intervention end nutritional crisis

MSF is closing feeding centres in Tanyang, Dirror District, Sudan. A nutritional survey in October showed that malnutrition rates fell from 40% global and 10% severe levels in May to 20% global and 2% severe malnutrition rates currently. The October figures constitute what is considered normal levels of malnourishment in Sudan. Project Update - 18 Nov 2002
Humanitarian challenges

MSF expresses its solidarity with the abductees' families and the ICRC.

MSF expresses its solidarity with the abductees' families and the ICRC. Press Release - 15 Nov 2002
Access to medicines

Sydney Summit a step back for access to medicines, but it is not the end of the story

If the proposal by trade ministers at the WTO meeting in Sydney is accepted by the wider WTO membership, an insurmountable barrier to getting cheaper medicines will be replaced by numerous lower ones.

A joint press release by Oxfam and Médecins Sans Frontières.
Press Release - 15 Nov 2002

Roche Is faulted for high cost of AIDS drug in poor countries

MSF released pricing information to support its argument, as well as data that it said show the Swiss drug maker could easily cut prices further and still make a profit. Project Update - 15 Nov 2002
Access to medicines

Expect progress to be tough at WTO summit on drugs

Both the EU and the U.S., the world's two major drug producers, have offered drug-patent proposals that are far more restrictive than those favored by developing countries and many nongovernmental organizations. Developing countries want access to a wider range of drugs, while a large coalition of NGOs is pushing to allow any poorer country to contract for delivery of patented medicines from whomever it chooses.

This article first appeared in the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Project Update - 14 Nov 2002
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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